Yesterday's weather was one of the hottest I had witnessed since the beginning of the harmattan season but today's weather is mild and beautiful although most of the reason is because it's still early in the early morning and there has not been the presence of strong sunlight.
This morning as I'm surfing through YouTube music videos, I came across the Shayne Ward song breathless. At first I was thrilled to have seen this video of an old song which I knew how much I enjoyed back in the days and without much hesitation I played the video.
It’s my first time playing the music video, the song is amazing but the music video is not the type I enjoy watching very much. The song lyrics expresses love and emotions at its upper most level, singing thus “if our love was a fairytale, I would charge in and rescue you. On a yacht baby we will sail to an island where I'd say I do”. Can you imagine the level of love you'll receive from someone that will drive you to the height triggering these words to be coming out of your mouth.
Indeed love is a beautiful thing but the truth is that, it's not everyone that can confidently say I’m loved or love has been shown to me but that doesn't mean they've not experienced it in one form or another.
The world is such a beautiful place where we have different experiences in one way or another and are given the liberty of choosing between love or hate. Some are brought up in homes where they are deprived of parental love and care while some grew up in homes where they can confidently say they received all the love they needed as a child.
In both situations most especially in the area of those who didn't receive any or much parental love as a child, if they can recall back in time, surely I believe they can still see evidence of love even if not from their parents, then from neighbors and if not from neighbors then from outsiders or even from strangers.
It’s quite hard to believe that there is someone in this world who had only been receiving hate all his life without having one person who once for once showed them love no matter how little.
I also happened to go through some articles yesterday which were discussing how implanting false memories into brains of prisoners who committed terrible crimes will help solve the issue of violence in the society. Reading further down one of the articles, it was mentioned that most adults and children in the community today who were deprived of parental love as a child are most the ones involved in high crimes.
Somehow I know it hurts to have people of horrible personalities in our lives but the encouraging thing is that no one has the right to define our life.
Whether good or bad experiences, whoever chooses to be good will be good. There are a lot of people in this world today who are doing great even in the area of finances, most of these individuals came from a terrible home and some who passed through schools and colleges especially through teachers and lecturers who clearly told them they are of no use and simply won't make it in future.
There are a lot of evidence to show that the terrible ways fellow humans act towards us, including their evil utterances, doesn't necessarily shape who we are except that we submit our will to conform to the words and expectations of the wicked.
Clearly whoever that doesn't want your progress in life is an enemy and its best to always look out for other sources of encouragement to prove your enemies wrong which might in fact be one of their greatest pain.
Though there may be times of great depression sometimes but be encouraged because you're loved and if the people surrounding you don't show you the love you deserve, put in the effort to be around those who value your presence and love you. The ones who don't seem to love you may have other characters that are good and worthy of emulation, learn from them. Those who express love to you may have other terrible bad sides that might even land you in bigger trouble or even in prison, leave that character for them and don't join them.
Honestly I got to understand that no matter who you are in this world as a human you're not completely perfect. Some are good in some areas yet bad and some are bad yet good in other areas. Our job is to gather the goods, make it part of us, avoid the bad sides and chip in words of advice when necessary.
Never give up yet no matter the situation you find yourself in today because there is a bright beautiful light waiting for you at the end of the tunnel.
Thanks for stopping by to read my post.
I absolutely agree with you @baby1, each of us no matter what the case might be have got people who truly love us. From my personal expirence, I have to realise that love is indeed beautiful
Sure love is, one way or another we've all experienced love even if from strangers.