I have started NY working :/ and first goal that I want to achieve is getting new passport :D Old one expired in April but I was so hopeful about traveling abroad, that let it rotten somewhere in the closet :)
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Ok, I missed responding to this comment!!!
Duboko izvinjenje!!!
Passports. Last summer I went to our common country with expired passports 😂 but having the other ones (I have double nationality) we could enter the country. The border guard was so kind so we didn't have to be in quarantine as foreign visitors had to do. Sorted out all the paper works we had to do, well, new tasks are waiting this year, renewing the driving license here as it will expire this year.
No need for apology :) Beside, I became "little" miss late or better to say miss "little" late :D so who know how many replies I missed when back here after longer period and have no idea where I have already checked...even being to late to upvote some post :(
Driving license and personal card still have time, had to make them again when my wallet was stolen but internet card is next in the line...and you know how lines look like here :/
Yes, working, one of the favorite sentences of our ministers is vacation is for pupils ; it is less work but is all paperwork and always morning shift, which is combination that I just looove to hate...specially when Belgrade.s street cleaners are surprised with snow in the mid January...
For that you can check the replies you got and see have you responded already. Btw, which frontend do you use?
Oh, vacations are not just for pupils!! Haha, street cleaners surprised with snow ❄️, omg, so typical 😂 Hope you had some fun too, although paperwork is never too interesting :D
Just checked Re and found out that I did not reply here :kashljuc: :) Peakd
The only benefit was that in school were just few of us so I did not have to wear mask all the time. Tomorrow kids are back, with more than 15000 new cases daily, but hey, why prolonging vacations when omicron is easy-peasy, we will just sound very strict about measures and woohooo... the fact that in some schools there are not enough teachers to start, bcs are sick, weeeell...just pretend that does not exist.
Wishing you a lot of luck for tomorrow's start!!! Well, not luck is needed just, but powers! But you are a goddess, so no worries :)