I Hate Love

in Q Inspired-by-Music3 years ago (edited)

I hate love
I hate how it makes you vulnerable and weak
I hate how your happiness depends on whether or not the one your heart longs for wants you as well
I hate how it clouds your sense of reasoning
I hate how it makes you do stupid things, things that you wouldn't do if your heart didn't dictate your actions
The sacrifices
The compromise
The feeling of incompleteness without the one you love
Giving out your heart that is as fragile as an egg, to someone that you're not sure he would carry it with the needed amount of care
How can you be sure that you won't have your heart handed to you shattered
I hate how you blindly take that risk of loving someone without an expected end
Surely there should be a way out this trap
Yes, there is
John 14:16 says, And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that he may abide with you forever.
The Holy Spirit, a comforter, an advisor, an intercessor, a friend. He guides the steps of every believer. He even shows the right way to love and the right partner
This way your love story can have an expected end
You could have love like those in fairy tales
So yes, I do hate love. But only the type without proper guidance from the Holy Spirit.

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