Silence is something magical. Music and Silence can do similar things to us.
Absolute silence we hardly can experience, other than going into some echo damped room. But the fact that when we think we are in a silence, but not an absolute silence, we can hear all sort of sounds. When listening carefully we may even hear music in it. Like many times I experienced silence when driving my car in wet weather conditions. My co-passengers and I in silent mode while I was hearing music in the turning wheels. And what about the (small) silence sometimes left by the DJ on some dance party: Peeps get really exited in anticipation of what is coming next.
The power of silence!
Yes, no absolute silence, as you say. Our body also makes sounds, so we would hear them too and find harmony in the combination of them. Oh, rain. I like the sound of it, it is calming. (ok, depends, if it is a strong rain, storm, thunder... then added adrenaline because of a bit of fear).
Hm, and also agree with silence as anticipation of the sound. This is how Mozart also used this surprise factor in some of his works, as well the other master of symphonies, Beethoven (and many others). Leave the people in an uncertain moment and surprise with a fresh chord, or even just one note!
Now I am wondering how deaf people experience silence - sounds? Must be also that depends on the level of deafness, and how one can "visually hear"
Spot on!
Regarding your question: good ones to which I have no answer. I suppose the only way to find out is to try yourself.... not sure how one can become deaf though without permanent staying in such state.... we shall get this chips brain implants, maybe then we have a tool to control the state of our hearing, switch it on/off as we please.
Hmmm, interesting idea. Well, not an average idea, for sure. Although I see the way that those implants can really work, to improve the hearing, or make up for the lack of sensation of hearing, it is pretty difficult to imagine we could turn off our senses with one click. But it would come in handy, sometimes :)