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RE: An attempt to speed up the time

in Q Inspired-by-Music3 years ago

The vibes did not spread?

They did mipiano! The vibes did spread a lot... at least here at my end. Maybe not with a response in the HIVE community, but that's just a minor detail ;)

Regarding your question: Definitely a nit different to straight lines. In my book, no straight lines in any of the tracks on this album. Or is it 'in' this album?

The year 4044? Well, as a matter of fact, this invite brings the counter to 4 invites I have to respond to. A coincidence? Am pretty sure, soon it'll become the year 5055 with 5 invites to respond to. I shall not let that happen though, but my pace in HIVE posts is slower than a turtle.


I know, I know, that's just a minor detail :))

I said don't count :D I lost the counter, deliberately!
But how cool coincidence, 4 posts perfectly match the year 4044 :))) I knew I can bend the time and made your response happen for one millennium earlier 😀

Mission achieved 😇

🙇 🌻 🙇

searching for flowers 😅

always searching 😱

🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ help came in searching thing 😀


The only problem is that I don't know what we are searching for?

But it doesn't matter actually :D
