when I read 11:11 I thought of the 11th of November.
That day, each year, Prince Carnival is elected in my country. Well in each city/town actually, hence many Prince Carnivals around. I suppose it has a historical meaning as well.
From a visual aspect, I don't like the 1 and therefore the 11 too much. The character is so straight. Plus it has a beginning and ending. I very much like the zero or letter O. Endless in all aspects. The ultimate representation in the visual space of something on the opposite side of everything we know and everything we think we know, from life to the universe itself. all in one or the other way, with a start and finish.
Oh I had zero idea about it being a prince Election Day or something.
I Love your ideology on the 1, 11 not everyone likes the number, I would choose 2 as my favorite number if I am to choose.
Thanks for stopping by
2 has something as well ... a pair is for sure an important element in nature. two legs, two arms, two eyes and so on. NJOY the remainder of this Sunday ;)