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RE: How to INCREASE HIVE-blogging/LEO-threads USAGE TREMENDOUSLY without Marketing - integrate Music platform(s)

in Q Inspired-by-Music7 months ago

The integration itself, on the HIVE side should not be that difficult. However, the services need to play ball, ie allow the integration, and execute the integration (with or without help from the HIVE peeps). Ultimately, it changes the UX for the Spotify user, the Soundcloud user, or whatever 3rd party music platform we are trying to integrate. I suspect a serious sales effort is required. A reason why I focussed on Discogs in the article, since they are used to open source with a community play. Spotify and Soundcloud are not. Audius is perhaps another target indeed, though the 'effect' on usage may be limited due to limited use of that service. I suppose a frontend can be build for all services, but that in itself will be more difficult to get users on' Most users like the native apps.