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RE: From a cruise gig to a feel good film and beyond

in Q Inspired-by-Music28 days ago

Def wow indeed, big back in time. Like you I am not too much into rock, well, in fact, I hardly listen to some. Even back in time when Def was big. I was a child, a kid, a teenager. Though many I hang out with, rock fans, I wasn't. They always thought I had a strange taste, more to the electronic side of things. Jean Michel Jarre, Vangelis, Gandalf to name a few more knowns and much lesser known names. Anyways, that rock song is I think pop rock. or commercial rock as a real rock fan will say. But surely one difficult not to start dancing when hearing. Great selection from the DJ on the boat and glad you had much fun then and there.'s more of an European thing

is UK already 50-somethiong state of the US, or did it created its own continent? 😆 😆 😆 I perhaps missed something? 😱 😆 🎉 🥳