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RE: The key for 88 keys

in Q Inspired-by-Music • 2 months ago

Haha, how interesting, it's you real mom who used to listen to this piece and then your Hive mom also plays it 😂 Destiny 😂

Life is B E A U T I F U L 🥰 he tried it a few years ago and it was out of tune

a few years ago and never been maintained since then? 😆

Lady Kawai

One for the books. Was just thinking this morning to gather (again) all the misters, miss, ladies and whatnot and do something with the bunch.


The paper with the list of names survived the moving, let me know if you need to check ;)

Cool! Soon-ish I would think 😉 NJOY your piano gig this morning

Soon-ish. Is it the little brother of Cousin Soon? 🤣

The gig is this evening, the morning went by food shopping and presents 😱

Owww sry for my mistake, how was the gig?
Soon-ish: hahaha perhaps hahaha, let it be the little brother of Soon indeed