Hahahaha I knew it, I needed to write even longer comments than I already do.
For sure there is room for Burger King next to McDonalds. There is even room for 10+ others. However, each new burger chain (App, dApp, Service) has to do something the others don't do, more or less (even true copycats can become successful but eg undercutting price with the direct result margins under pressure with the direct need to capture a larger part of the market quickly t be able to survive). Plus, and this is the most important part, when (more or less) copy/pasting, one needs to have DEEP pockets to rollout. The DEEP pockets are what none of the HIVE-based dev teams have. None. Well, in the entire crypto space, only a few have deep pockets, the rest doesn't.
adding small bits of Web3 to traditional Web2 platforms... The first step is to go under their skin and slowly take over... :)
I took the liberty to change the second web3 in the sentence to web2, since that is what I think you meant. My reaction to your comment: You understand what I am trying to say indeed! 🙇