Really cool! Great to see how you produce it. With these making of's people can see how much work it is to produce a track like this, maybe you can collab with our @brain.candy channel, we look for new music and musicians to work together :) This music would fit pretty good :) Great to see that you guys produced it with a real chello and not "only" electronically. It sounds very nice and the sax of course too!
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Oh nice - I just followed @brain.candy - I've been thinking about starting a chill music group on here but I want to get used to Hive a bit more and bring more chill music producers on to the platform first.
Always down for collaboration ideas! [email protected] or Discord BlauDisS#2986
Hey, cool! That sounds great, we also start to connect more with people here on Hive. When we start a new project we will definitely get in touch with you! :)