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RE: Piano, holidays and Sakamoto- what a mixture!!!

I got hungry reading your post hahahaha. Hey, how nice it is to read you and how easy it is to concentrate on each word with that musical atmosphere. I even forgot for the moment that the music was from the post while I was reading until I woke up at minute 2:50 with the allegro. Great job and great way to engage the public.

I've brought an enormous amount of people to Hive and it really is quite a task to teach someone. I sincerely hope your friends fall in love with the platform as much as we do to see the results of so many hours of teaching and preparation. They have a good Master, surely they will do well.

Así que videos en Q-Inspired 🤔 creo que algunos moderadores de Hive Open Mic estarán celosos, como el tal Jesús...


Hahaha, you got hungry? 😂😂😂 Yes, it can happen when we talk about food. I hope it's not too late at your place so if you eat it will not be late in the night...

I see now that it is pretty difficult. It's a long process of explaining (and understanding on the other side) and can't be done in two days. Well done to you for bringing that number of people to the platform :)

Hahah, no seas celoso 😇. Una vez ya pasamos por esto, y entonces volví por unas semanas. Ahora estoy de nuevo ausente, pero esto no significa que jamás volvería ;)

Mil gracias por tu atención Jesús 😊🙌