Nothing beats the feeling you get when you share something with someone. Especially when it is someone special. Like, “This thing is our thing. Ours alone! We made it together! Just for us!” Super amazing!
I'm glad I thought of this playlist I'm even more glad that you didn't write the idea off. I'm glad you accepted it immediately(even though I had to remind you many times.) Creating the playlist was super fun. The most difficult part was coming up with the name.😂😂 I think I like this one. We made the perfect choice.
Maybe. Just maybe I’ll come around to like the Korean song. I’m alright with Korean movies, but their songs are not my taste. But let’s see how it goes.🤭
Thank you so much for the 3 songs you added. I love them all. I really cannot thank you enough, but I want to know that I'm super grateful for the gift of you. You made yesterday memorable! Thank you so much, Babicious.❤️
I love you.🌹
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I know right! I don’t think this has happened before and even if I’ve shared something with someone before, this! It feels so different and really nice. 🥹
Yeah, I’m glad I didn’t write off the idea. And yes, I love the name too. 🤭
Yeah? Don’t forget to check out the meaning of the song. 😘
I’m happy you like all three of them.👯
I’m even more happiest that I could make your day memorable and I hope we have more opportunities to share these memories together.
You’re welcome and thank you too, Popsicle. ❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘
Oops! I totally forgot to check the meaning of the song. Haha. Thank God I remembered.
I’m glad you remembered. 🥰