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RE: Silence

Something that I found interesting about the John Cage video (at the begining) is the part where he said that he hears talking when he listens to music. That's interesting to me because human beings are essentially instruments and speech is essentially music. Air passes through our vocal cords creating sound and our mouths and lips create breaks in that sound to form speech. Our tongues and teeth also shape the sound as well. The speed at which the air travels through our vocal cord plays a factor to as it creates... pitch (I think the word is pitch but admittedly I'm not familiar with all the musical terms). So anyway, a human being is very similar to a horn, or organ or bagpipe.

Music and speech are essentially the same thing, it's just that our brains interpret them differently. Our brain gives different meaning specifically to words.

We could maybe take this idea even further if we brought in the concept of "neural pruning" and how language is formed in the early stages of childhood and compared musical notes to phonemes. But that is probably beyond a simple comment in a post lol. 😆

Interesting post. It really got me thinking lol


Well, you are giving nice additional information, your opinion about human voice and speech being understood as music is spot on. It is music, by all the points you explain. The vocal cords, teeth, tongue, mouth, lips, nose... all can be seen as a part of this human musical instrument. Well, also lungs that are responsible for air and diaphragm... and our mind how imagines the sound and words and shapes them.

We could maybe take this idea even further if we brought in the concept of "neural pruning" and how language is formed in the early stages of childhood and compared musical notes to phonemes. But that is probably beyond a simple comment in a post lol.

Hahaha, that would be cool, I like when a post can give food for thought and inspire the readers to give their opinion on the topic. Or, simply, a new post will come from you on the topic ;D

Thank you @leaky20 for your unfailing engagement!! 🙂