How I Feel At The Moment

in Q Inspired-by-Musiclast month (edited)

Tory Lanez got me feeling this way, it all started from tiktok short videos, I was trying to clear my eyes because I was bored at the moment, then I watched one of tory lanez's trending freestyle, and damn the freestyle was lit that I was like this must be a legendary freestyle, first time hearing the beat and he vibes to the song perfect to that extent, I was so surprised. So I wanted to check about Tory Lanez's other songs because I only know a few of his songs.

Photo by Daniel Peterson from Pexels

Tory Lanez is a Canadian Rapper, I remember I used to call him an American rapper then because of his style of music, it was so smooth back then and I enjoyed listening to his songs. To be honest I have a lot of Flirting styles of words to use when talking to a lady and they always enjoy the vibes.

I remember I once used one of his lyrics to toast a lady for the first time and she was looking at me like I was a different type of guy. The song I got this inspiration from was titled “Luv”, which he sang 8 years ago.

He talked about everyone falling in love sometimes, and If You Let Me Love You for a Term Baby, mind-blowing lyrics. Listening to tory lanez's song made me feel like he was a mastermind in song lyrics and he was damn very good with his songs. This was the first song that made me notice a rapper called tory lanez from my country Nigeria, the song was a damn hit and everywhere I went they were always playing it, especially when it comes to vibing with a lady or thinking about a vibe to use to woo a lady.

This song was a masterpiece, I heard this song on the radio in 2020, and it was a real vibe, I don’t have a browsing phone, because it was stolen from me ao I had a little Android i just download free movie and songs to watch, after hearing tbis song i had to go download this hit because there was a lot of vibes to learn from it, tory lanez is a true legend of emotional Vibes when trying to things of what to do next. Sometimes i wonder if it was heart break that brought all this inspirational to tory lanez and how much emotional words he pour into songs i see it like very special. Tory Lanez is Such a Masterpiece, memories, past loves, love is magical, emotional jams.

This song has to be one of his moste legendary song, I remember when i started listening to this song, i had to buy an headset personally especially for this Particular song and I really enjoyed vibing to this song, it has to me one of my most legendary songs ever.

Tory Lanez songs really got me feeling alive and made me understand the everyone experiences emotional feelings in life but we just have to learn to love the right person and never let go of that person.

Thank You For Reading My Post