Poem Without Words

in Q Inspired-by-Musiclast year (edited)

After I deleted the first paragraph of this post for the second time, I scrolled down through my following feed. Oh, Things Are Not All Black And White - I spotted one part of the title of @whywhy's post.

En serio?

You want to tell me that my whole world, my keys - my things - are not all black and white!?

Maybe you are right, but I think someone has to invent some colourful piano keys then; each note would receive a different coloured key or at least a shade of a colour. Probably I would need some hours or hopefully just minutes to get used to that keyboard as it is not anymore my eyes that guide me there. Sometimes most of the time I don't need to watch with full attention what my fingers do and where they have to go on the keyboard as the pieces I play in my Sunday morning gigs are already settled down in my muscle memory.

That is a perfect situation, right? I could just stay with those songs I know well and avoid any additional effort of learning new compositions. It would be perfect. But I do like to learn new stuff and the guests of the hotel are so helpful with the ideas. I mean it, seriously.

Last week a couple came close and a little conversation was born between us. The lady let me know her intentions to learn to play the piano and mentioned one piece - Poem Without Words by Anne Clark. Thanks to that little chitchat I searched for the scores for that piece and learned it.


Playing and having conversations on my gigs is great, and you all know that I also have a little friend there who talks to me through books placed on the shelves. {If you don't know who I am talking about and you are interested in finding it out, I can reveal his identity in the comment section}

So, today I was reading a page of a book, The Lost Notebook of a Traveller (don't try to read from the photos, somehow it wouldn't match what I'm writing here...).

The thing is that the main character from that book had to travel for his mission long distances. As they didn't have another means of transportation, those journeys required a lot of time spent in carriages. That way he got plenty of possibilities to experience the life of the places he got in touch with: smelling the aroma of cinnamon or chestnuts, the petrichor after the rain, flowers in bloom, feeling the breeze in summer evenings and cold during the winter nights. But that's not all that he was doing. Long story short, in one of his travels he was reading a book about the wildlife. Zebras... - he was reading - Zebras got black and white stripes on their bodies to confuse the predators.


I imagined those stripes and my fingers reacted instinctively - I was there to play the piano and not to read or invent stories. I was also there to receive some new suggestions from other people and maybe to perform this quite minimalistic piece, Poem Without Words (by Anne Clark). Freshly learned last week!

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Reading always catches us, knowing other worlds, other stories, in which we take refuge. It is a source of information and enjoyment. Thank you very much, @mipiano, for this post. Beautiful photos. Happy Sunday

La lectura siempre nos atrapa, conocer otros mundos, otras historias, en las que nos refugiamos. Es una fuente de información y disfrute. Muchas gracias, @mipiano, por este post. Hermosas fotos. Feliz domingo.

Así es! Feliz inicio de la semana @yventura 👋

I wish you could just get to the part where the person was reading about wildlife so we could know what he learnt

Oh, seems that it was not possible to arrive at that part of the book...

The stripes of the zebras are like the keys of a sweet piano and the marvellous melody that your fingers make detach from the black and white.

I don't know if the translation is correct, but I was inspired by a little verse.

You play amazingly, a delight for the ears, thank you!❤️

Yes, I was connecting here the stripes of the zebra with the piano keys :)

I am glad the melody was detached from my instrument and reached the ears of the listeners here. Thank you @avdesing for your nice words 😌

It's always a pleasure to hear those sweet melodies, I make my mother listen to them and she loves them!

Have a great start of the week!❤️

Reading your post I remembered something about an experiment I heard a guy related to neuroscience talk about recently.
It said that two groups of people had been trained. In one they played the piano and in another they simulated each practice of the melody with their eyes closed.
The second group practiced only on the mental level. According to the study, the members of each group developed similar neural connections. Awesome!!!

Yes. The mental practicing is the same important as with the instrument. Actually, it is all coming first from there. ;)
That is just awesome how our brain works, only if we would be able to use a bit more of it hehe 😄

After deleting the first line of the comment 7 times, the best I can do is 🤫 and listen. O dejar


Porque eso mola 😂🤭 y son blancos en mi fondo negro de Peakd.

Sí, eso mola :p

Ah, entonces tienes una zebra andando por tu pantalla ahora? 🤭

Esto parece... 😅
I hope my screen will always be a safe place.

Hahaha, I hope your screen will remain undamaged if zebras walk or run on it 😂

😲 (jajaja... esto me dio tanta gracia, la cara tuya por el badge)

😅¡! la niña ¡!

You want to tell me that my whole world, my keys - my things - are not all black and white!?

Magnificent, mate!

Thanks 😎

A colored piano would not be a bad idea, I think that way I would be tempted to play it. The song is beautiful and I'm impressed by the relaxation of your hands when playing, it's like watching someone painting. I enjoyed it😍🙏❤️

Like painting? I have never thought about that, but how nice comparison 😌
I am glad you enjoyed this piece @dayanart 🎶😇

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😂 ay ay ay... morí.


Que bello ese Poema sin palabras. Hermosa melodía. Demuestra que todos los días hay algo que aprender y que de todos se puede aprender algo. Aquí estoy escuchando tu melodía una y otra vez para dormir. Gracias @mipiano por compartir, gracias @nanixxx por sugerir. Me gustaría escucharte tocar una pieza bien cubana de Lecuona.

Bueno, tengo que decir que no soy muy fan de mi🎹, a veces hace cosas bastante buenas. 🤣😁

{Deja que ella lea esto}

A veces, ahora sí veo que enloqueciste.Yo se que es mentira Por favor tomate un tiempo y duerme. Ella es genial. Jjjjjj

Ojalá las cosas que hace mipiano mejoren para llegar un día al nivel de bastante buenas jajajaja



Las poemas escritas por vosotras dos son más hermosas que esta melodía sencilla ;) Pero sí, es relajante, y Lecouna - allí sí hay mucha pasión :D

Encuentro belleza, elegancia e inteligencia en la sencillez (dejaré de escribir poemas, me quedo con esta melodía)

(dejaré de escribir poemas, me quedo con esta melodía)


o mejor lo escribo en mayúscula?


Bebieron hasta drenar el cielo
Y se esparció tu luz.
Bebieron todos los ángeles de la misma copa


(es más bonito en español)

Mentira, tú escribes para respirar, si no escribes mueres.

Pues te espero interpretando a Lecuona, un mini concierto para @nanixxx y para mí.

No comprometas así a la artista, chica. 😐

Bueno @nanixxx no quiere concierto. Ahora mismo yo estoy en medio de uno, pero de mosquitos y grillos porque no hay electricidad, en cubano hay tremendo apagón!

That is a beautiful, somewhat melancholically haunting song. You learned that in a week? Gosh ok, that's insanely cool. Watching your fingers on the keys makes me heartsore with a longing to play again.

Thank you Emma 😇 I learned it in two days lol, but it is quite minimalistic, so it was not an issue.

That would be nice you start to play again the piano 🎶

Perhaps a piano has black/white keys to confuse the player?
Soooo what is this book about, other than carriage travels cinnamon smells and whatnot?

Probably, that why not all the players can play it well 😂

Soooo what is this book about

I have no clue, it was just that little Buddha who told me to write those silly things. More explanation in my tags 😂

but wait, the picture of the book is real. or am I missing something?

The pictures are real, of course, indeed some books from the shelves there, though I don't know German 😂 so... The English book (second photo) - I didn't read it either, it was the guy from the carriage who was reading that book about zebras 😂


I'm willing to bet you don't have a black and white life: you have music to color it!
The fact that the piano forte has 2 colors is just to recognize the altered notes (sharps and flats) from those that are not--it's just a convention!
I, who play guitar, have a silver waist--the strings are metal!
Instead, I really think I have a golden one: when I play I become one with my guitar and the music!

Yeah, spot on! My life is not only black and white :D It was just having fun about the colours of the keys, though I actually like black 😎

Instead, I really think I have a golden one: when I play I become one with my guitar and the music!

That's nice ✨

It facinates and motivates me at the same time, seeing how you say just in one sentence,

Thanks to that little chitchat I searched for the scores for that piece and learned it.
I say this because I know how difficult it is for me to learn very simple and not even classical scores. hahaha.

also I admire your style of writing where you craftily place many details in few words yet with so much imagery that gets me thinking about many things.

The piece you played is no doubt a professional rendition, but most importantly, it relaxes. I enjoyed it!

great work @mipiano

Hey there,

Thanks, @magicfingerz, it is a relaxing piece indeed, a pleasure to play and listen to it too, I guess ;) 🎶 😇

I love the way you write! Your descriptions are so vivid and engaging. I can really picture you sitting at the piano, lost in thought, your fingers dancing across the keys.

I also love the way you explore the idea of black and white. On the one hand, you have the black and white keys of the piano, which are a very literal representation of the concept. On the other hand, you have the zebras, whose black and white stripes are actually a way of blending in with their environment.

I think this is a great metaphor for life. Sometimes, things are not as black and white as they seem. There is often a lot of gray area. And sometimes, the best way to deal with a situation is to blend in and go with the flow.

And sometimes, the best way to deal with a situation is to blend in and go with the flow.

Yes!! Or use the black and white things we have in life to give them more colour 🙂

Es hermosa esta obra! Voy a buscar las partituras! Me encantó tu interpretación, me enamoré de la pieza! Te envío un abrazo!