Be my guest


Maybe my face got a whiter shade of pale from all that screen time {sitting in front of it since this morning}. I should check it in the mirror, that would mean another little break and it would do me good. Ok, I also forced myself to get up and go for a walk and do some physical activity, which did me good, but after lunch, I went back to work. So, what am I doing?


Searching for suitable songs and selecting from the musical scores for a gig I accepted. I have exactly one week to prepare it (hmm... actually I accepted it about ten days ago already, but I let my days go with their rhythm and I still didn't do anything to prepare it). No, don't even mention that word that starts with the letter p... pro... pro-cras... pro-cras-ti... pro-cras-ti-na...

That's enough, I said not to mention it!



As soon as I got up this morning I scolded myself that I still don't have the repertoire ready. I had nothing, to be honest! Nada! This is really the last moment to select the works, get all the necessary material - scores, transfer them from my laptop to the tablet and start studying. Seriously studying.

This will be interesting. The last time I was preparing a new repertoire in a limited time (Christmas repertoire) I went into that just practice and go crazy mode. This time I want to prepare a repertoire of almost two hours of new songs. No way, it is not possible... but anyway, I have to want to try it as this gig I accepted will be a bit different than the usual ones I play on Sunday mornings. This is the same place, the same hotel where I always play but this time in the lobby bar 360°, in the middle of this circle thingy.

The very thought of being in the middle of this circle brings a paleness to my face. Also, my piano will be directly connected to all the speakers so... one mistake and I am dead (of shame, not that anyone will be holding a gun to my head 😂). Why do I want to suffer select different songs for this event? Simply, the guests who already listened to me on Sunday, and happened to stay for a few days, would not be pleased (or maybe yes?) to listen again to the same type of music. I know, they all like my choices and how I play, however, if they want to have a drink in the lobby and listen to some more entertaining music, I should select according to that.

A subtle invitation for my readers 😁:

If you want to help me survive this gig and still read some of my posts after the 18th of February, please be my guest, have a drink 🥃 in the lobby bar and maybe recommend me a musical piece/song that you would like to hear from a pianist while you are on vacation. 🙏


Note - if you don't like alcoholic drinks, then here comes a sweet substitution. The recommended songs don't necessarily have to be sweet though.


So far, since this morning, I selected 48 songs that I haven't performed yet... and many more can come! The only question is... who will learn all of this in one week?? 😱😂



How crazy, you can, a little alcohol and let's get to work, ok no, alcohol is not a good companion at this time 😂 nobody said the P word.... Buhito mumbled it, but I shut him up hahahahaha 😂

maybe recommend me a musical piece/song that you would like to hear from a pianist while you are on vacation

River Flows in You... wink, wink 👀 although I'm a bit far from the site, if I were there I would love to hear you play this beautiful piece haha ❤️

a little alcohol and let's get to work

Hahaha, I will listen to you, owls are wise birds, so if you say so... then first a drink and then to work hahaha

River Flows In You is a beautiful one 💜, I usually play but also I will gladly play it for you if you come here for your holidays, you can swim with mermaids across the ocean, seas and rivers! 😉

Gracias @elbuhito 😇🎶

@mipiano, I paid out 2.723 HIVE and 0.888 HBD to reward 12 comments in this discussion thread.

Thank you 😊

in the middle of this circle thingy

You are very brave!

Now stop reading comments and study! :p

Hahaha, can I have a little break? 😜

I am happy with the first practice session 🎶😊 (not sure for the neighbours though 😆)

Hahaha... 😄🤣 Well done. Morí de risa.

A little alcohol at the beginning, over time, and at the end makes the work easier.
I was reminded of my youth reading about preparing for this event. When I had exams, no matter how many days I had for preparation, still on the last day (and night) I was studying. I took a lot of exams but I didn't take away any of what I learned.

I can't refrain from making a suggestion, without knowing if it's possible to adapt the melody just for piano, if it's easy or hard or maybe you already have the melody in your collection:

The Way It Is

I am convinced that you will succeed and I wish you much success!

Oh wow, this song is very good, I like it but I didn't know its name until now. It should be excellent for this event, I will try to find the scores and adapt for piano solo if possible. Thank you very much! The time I practiced since I published the post was dedicated to several Abba songs, I can make a tribute to them now hahaha. 😂

Thank you for your suggestion and wish. I do have a quite large repertoire so making a selection from there and adding new songs will hopefully be the perfect combination :)

I'm so glad you liked it, I knew you would. Abba is a very good choice and I think they will appreciate this music that will bring back fond memories for many.

Yes, I also think that. I noticed this Sunday a lot of Norwegian retired guests, I know they will like Abba and it seems that the pianist from that band was really good, the piano parts are so well written, I love it! Studying these songs felt very very good!

The song you suggested - I found the scores, it has so many cool piano parts but unfortunately is quite difficult to adapt the other parts to the piano 😅

I was afraid it wouldn't be easy to adapt and I'm sorry. I don't even think now was the time to work on this song when you have this new program to prepare. Perhaps some other time.

Here's another song that has a piano line that I really like and I don't know if you know it: Double - The Captain Of Her Heart

I won't send any more, don't be scared that I'll be invasive, especially now that you are so busy.

I know this tune too, it is very familiar to me but I am very bad at knowing the names of songs or artists so honestly I didn't know the name of the song. So another thank you ;)

Yes, I would need more time but we never stop learning, right? At least I should never stop, there are always new things I should add; if not then I would become bored playing all the time the same, over and over again. 😉

What a thrill! 😁 I can't join you for a drink at the moment, so this vintage girl is asking the bartender for an ice cream or a malt. 😃
Morning Bird looks nice. I don't know how difficult it might be... either way, I feel like you're going to make it with the melodies you choose to play. You can do anything you want.
La de Annie Lennox ¿la puedes tocar también? 👌😜

That's a nice song by Sade, I will see what can I do with that. And the song by Annie Lennox también es tocable ;)
For next Tuesday I need more "animado" so I have to think in more accelerated pace hahaha. Tomorrow's Wednesday Walk will be Wednesday Run 😁

🤣 ¿Algo más rápido? 🏃🏻‍♀️ Dreams, The Cranberries. Yo tengo muchas canciones que me gustan de Janis Joplin, de Alice Merton... Van a venir muchas recomendaciones aquí, así que algo saldrá. 😄👏🏻

🤣 ¿Algo más rápido?

Tú conoces esta canción?

Mis coristas cuando hacen fiestas (bastante a menudo) ponen esta canción y empieza la locura. Aquello no tiene nombre jajaja


💃🏻 Siiiiii claro, si me encanta Rosario. ¡Echaaa 😄 a bailar entonces!

asking the bartender for an ice cream or a malt. 😃

Su pedido, señora 😁


Well, this ice cream comes from the past, from last summer hahaha, but it seems it is still good and didn't melt

😄 Ay qué rico por tu vida, lo más grande del mundo jajaja... Buenos días y gracias 🤗. Justo ahora estoy preparando mi desayuno. No corras mucho hoy, sólo lo necesario para que quede tiempo para practicar.

I know you can do it! You are talented and dedicated, very disciplined and an artist. You know I love Richard! Any one of them would be great or maybe Beethoven.

Don't make mistakes, just feel the music, I think the same when I paint... and if my eye goes bad... and it doesn't... everything will be excellent, I have faith in you!

Here, this time just discipline can help hahahha 😂

ok, today I have it already organized in my mind better, I made sections, some things that I already know and some that I still have to scan, learn, study, adapt etc but it is already a huge improvement since yesterday, I am happy :))

Thank you for the suggestion, I remember you told me about this one, so I have it. Maybe it will not be played next Tuesday but for other occasions yes ;)


I love that song!!!! want to hear you play it, please!!!!

Glad to hear you are doing so much better, you can do it!!!! Come on!!!🤗

I don't think it's a good thing to think you can't. Think about the pieces that have been most liked there in that same place where you are going to play. Everything will work out for you, your talent will prevail. Have confidence and you will see. Best regards.😘❤️

Thank you Mamani.
What I said that I can't do - that is impossible is to learn a completely new repertoire (almost two hours of songs) in just one week, as it takes more time to know well the pieces to perform in public, I know it from experience 😉
But today I have made a lot of improvement, I have organized the sections and styles, so I am making steps :))

How are you? I hope you are doing well in health and mood ;) Happy Wednesday 😇

I am in good health, but affected by the lack of electricity that has been up to 18 and 20 hours a day and without much hope. I wish you a nice Friday Valentine's Day. Congrats 💐💖

That's a difficult situation, coping with these blackouts. I hope your mood is not affected though 😉
Have a nice weekend @mamani 🍀

Alright I'm not going to push you too hard so I'm going to pick a song you've probably performed before, Adele - Set Fire to the Rain.

Can I get a martini, please? 🤣🤣

Oh, sorry, we ran out of Martini but we can set fire for a cup of coffee 😂


This will be definitely played ;)

Oh okay, coffee is fine too 😂

I agree with that shot "I'm not old/I'm vintage". I feel the same way xD

Hahaha, that is a good phrase, I liked it when a cocktail arrived in it 😂

Good evening @mipiano, was about to get stressed, then I thought that I was not the pianist, that I was a guest and I had a liqueur. I don't know what music you like, nor do I have any idea what repertoire you have in your head, but I leave here a piece:


A very big greeting.

Good evening @enraizar

Yes, you have to think just about the liqueur and music. The pianist will work on other challenges haha

Oh, Nina Simone. And the song Summertime, a nice selection you have got. I included several songs by George Gershwin for the Tuesday repertoire. This morning I made a rough organization in sections, then I kept practising a bit and now in the evening I tried to complete my list, according to the sections I set, but I was not very productive anymore with the studying part. Tomorrow with the fresh energy I will continue. Thank you for being my guest 🥃🎶

Good day @mipiano, It is a pleasure to be your guest. I hope you are already with renewed energy. I have visualized that concert and heard the applause. Lots of applause.

A very big greeting.

Gracias Enraizar. Renewed energy is much needed haha, until Tuesday I got two additional gigs plus the regular one on Sunday. It will not be a concert for applause, I don't like it actually in these types of gigs 😅 but if there will be, I will know it's because you visualized it 😁

Thank you and greetings to you too!

I wish you a good and productive weekend.
Best regards, @mipiano.

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Ugghhh..this is look yummy Ice cream

I can barely memorize a few lines of a song without messing up.

Am guessing you've got everything figure out, i would love to hear and watch you play 😊if of cause you can make a post about it on 3speak I'll be honored

I hear you, studying and planning ahead is not my strong suit either. I feel like I have all the time in the world and when I least expect it... I have to present my work tomorrow.

That's why I try to be disciplined by applying the rule "Better safe than sorry” even if it ruins my breaks.

This is quite amazing. This is quite beautiful.