The alarm clock announced the time that I should wake up, as it does every Sunday around this time. It depends on my mood so somehow the alarm knows when it has to give me more minutes of sleep and when it needs to be strict and do its job without mercy - giving that annoying sound until I reach it with closed eyes and switch it off. I don't even know what satisfaction the alarm finds in waking up people...? Is it paid for doing it? I am leaving this question open, as I read in one thread that we don't always have to make conclusions. Back to the matter... A needed a few seconds of silence to realize where I am, who I am and why this annoying sound had to wake me up! (oh, in the end, I do have to give an answer to this question in this specific case - I have to go to work: my piano gig is on Sunday morning 🎶)
My husband also woke up, and the first thing he asked was about my headache... did I feel better?
No, not at all, I still felt the pain.
Miss Migraine was still around although I was trying to fight it back yesterday. But as a responsible person, who would not let down the agreed gig I woke up, made a coffee, took another painkiller and just waited at least half an hour to feel like a human being and dress up. My black under the eyes (as I call the baggy eyes) was pretty visible so I tried to make some magic. The problem is that I am not a magician in the makeup field, I almost never use it but in these situations, it is a must. I can't go there, to the hotel, play my piano and scare away people with my appearance. They would think I messed up the date and came to celebrate Halloween. Or that I escaped from a horror movie...
A used a tiny amount of concealer for baggy eyes, an equally small amount of mascara and put lip balm, an almost colourless one. As I said, I am not an expert in this field but I have read that when you use makeup you should not highlight the parts of your face that you don't like or are not perfect. The trick is to highlight just the parts that you like, as when you try to correct let's say your thin lips, they will be just highlighted in an awkward way and show even more the imperfections... so it's probably the main reason I don't use makeup at all.
I even dress just in black and very simple when I go to play there, trying to remain as much unseen as I can. Be the black part of the piano, though I move a bit while I play so people, in the end, notice my presence. It is how happened this morning that one woman approached me while I played Nuvole Bianche by Ludovico Einaudi and said to me that she had goosebumps. That she has a son who also plays it and it made her remember him. She came several times, to several compositions and took some videos, as every Sunday people do. I just accept that. Sometimes I look at them so they smile and ask for permission the next time. The next one who spotted the pianist was another woman, who has a daughter in Belgium, also playing the piano and a cousin who is a piano teacher. That they play also different kinds of music and that she could sing along with me... all this I learned from her while I was balancing between playing the right notes, looking at the scores and trying to respond and have a conversation with her. The older man who already met me last week came when I played La Vie en Rose by Edith Piaf. He is from the USA (as he said to me last Sunday) and today he tried to find out where I come from... Moldavia? Argentina? 😂 I laughed so much, of course, I didn't stop playing but I was having fun at his attempts to find out my origins.
The last straw this morning was an older lady, a grandmother who finished her breakfast and was about to leave the breakfast hall. She came and thanked me for the music and added: My granddaughter also plays the piano and you played one piece she is practising.
To make a small resume: We have one son, one daughter, one cousin and one granddaughter - all have one thing in common! They all play the piano!!! Hmm... What did the Universe try to let me know this morning? Do you see?
Let me help you: There are too many pianists in this world! I should leave the piano, and find myself another instrument.
I did it once, I found the oboe, but that adventure didn't last for a long time. I had to give back that instrument but now I have a solution. I do have a few different musical instruments at my home... so why not try to play the violin for example?
Let's see first what we have here. A smaller musical instrument, compared to the piano. Its body is made of wood, and it has a bridge that supports the strings, just 4 of them. Also four pegs (for each string one), a neck, f-holes and little tuners. Probably more parts should be mentioned but I am just a beginner, in the moment I hold the violin in the photo above I have experience of several minutes of holding it in my hands. Not playing it though. I observe it, like someone who has no clue what to do with it.
Ok, I have a helper who says to me to put it on my left shoulder, place my chin on the chinrest, and place my fingers on the strings to hold the bow. No, not like that! (corrections came, so in the end I could hold the bow as I did in the photo).
You guess that not much violin music could come from me today. This instrument needs a lot of practising! To achieve a nice, clear sound you need to study how to get it on the open strings first. Just with the bow. Later you can add the left-hand technique. And you also should know that in the end, I will not leave my main instrument, the piano. 😇 This little fun came as we (the members of the violin-piano duet) needed some photos for an event and I took the opportunity to pretend that I am the violinist for the little challenge called:
It can't be true
With the purpose to bring more fun to our blockchain and this community, we invent initiatives and challenges from time to time. This one is an old one, but I thought that we should bring it up. If you would like to participate, here are some guidelines that I am bringing from the first post. Also, it is an open invitation, without a deadline!
-Take a photo with a musical instrument you DON'T play.
-Write an anecdote about how you managed to come to that instrument and/or why you have chosen that one. Remember, we like to see personal touch in the posts!
-Write some funny or interesting facts about that instrument, anything you think can make us understand better and learn in an interesting way about it. Or you can explain how the instrument works, how it gives the sound, and parts of it, it is up to you.
-You can also share some famous (or less famous) pieces composed for that instrument, or any music genre, or try to play that instrument and record a video of doing it. Fun is the key while you write your contribution!
Speaking about fun... I mixed so many pills these days that an idea came to mix up also at least two challenges in one post. 😁 So, what about spreading some vibes? Responding to the post of Edje, and the set he shared, DJ Maria in this post...
Although he said this set has a faster beat and in general is a bit harder, I listened to it through my headphones and it still sounded relatively chill to me. Of course, not as slow and relaxing as for example the composition Adagio for Strings, Op. 11 by Samuel Barber.
However, I will respond exactly with that piece, to spread some relaxing vibes today:
video source
I am leaving out the invitation part of the official guidelines, not because I want to skip the rules, but because I will maybe spot some typos and edit the post 😂, so I don't want to bother people with mentions. Still, the invitation is open for everyone and any of these two initiatives! If you like to take part in the #ItCantBeTrue (#ctb) or #SpreadTheVibes (#stv) challenges, you are welcome to bring your response!
P.S. Thanks to @edje a suitable footer for this challenge came! ;)
One of my unfulfilled desires in this life will be to play an instrument. I think that's what has led me to have so many musician friends, I love people who make music.
I really enjoyed reading and I'm going to participate in the challenge, I have @rumbapoet's Tumbadoras ( the Congas) looking at me and as if they know about this they call me to take a picture of us and for me to write about them and how much I have spoiled her in my last 17 years.
Thank you for this gift that we can turn into post, inspiration and imagination.
Greetings from Havana. 🌅
I know some people who don't want to play any instrument as prefer enjoying the music. It is also a great option, being the listener! ;)
Greetings back to Havana! 🌃Dear @saraleo, I am so glad to hear that you will participate too, I really do appreciate the responses that these latest challenges get... What would be the Hive life (and life in general) without inspiration and imagination? 😉
Espérate que no he leído... Fue una reacción inmediata.
Vale ;)
Es el challenge de It can't be true: no puede ser verdad sería en Español. Que cambio el piano por otro instrumento. Invito a otros a participar, pretender tocar un instrumento musical que en realidad no tocan.
Ok. Let's start at the end. I don't know what your concept of relaxing is, because that Adagio, there was a moment that made me want to jump out the window 😂. It doesn't manage to relax me, no. Not even if at the end the music wants to take me to bed and tuck me in. Already what it did before, it won't let me sleep. I don't know if you understand me. I don't know about music, it's just my feeling.
The challenge, okay, it's fun. Especially for those of us who don't know a damn thing about playing an instrument, it can be very interesting, in fact I can already imagine myself playing "El gato voló", a great rock song that I play with delirium.
Haha... I have my guitar in front of me all the time and I watch it and I don't know what to do with it. When I play rock, I think she rather complains.
No sé por qué esto me da tanta risa. Es que no domino los lenguajes de los músicos, pero me hago una idea. Bueno... es muy entretenido el post.
Ya ahí sí morí 😂
Se acerca el momento de ir a trabajar y llueve y truena y nadie me ha dicho que se va a suspender. So, I will wet myself like a cat and make googly eyes, which is difficult considering they are slanted.
Don't wear so much makeup... you have beautiful eyes.
Haha, I know, I know, it is the same as I found that set of DJ Maria relatively calm, and now this Adagio. I guess it's me who gets lately all the music (well, not all) in this way. I could even fall asleep during a lesson (joke, but sometimes the repeating sound of the piano, if I have an early morning lesson makes me sleepy 🤣)
I don't know which song is that you mention, must be extra advanced level according to the name 😁
I hope you will have fun anyway at work and I also hope you are not wearing makeup, with the rain it is not the best option to have it (unless it is waterproof) 😉 🌧
Es una canción de mi autoría. Un poco repetitiva 😂
Acabo de llegar estoy hecha una sopa, editando fotos para la revista que las quieren ya! No, apenas me maquillo. Nada, sería mejor decir.
Pfrrr I thought you decided to learn how to play :D
If I ever choose to learn another instrument (not gonna happen, but if....), it would be violin.
Or Clarinet.... there is a kid in the building across that learns how to play it. He must be around 10 years old and look like the instrument is bigger than him. He goes outside to the balcony and practices some melody from Star Wars :D. The sound of the instrument is amazing. So calming. Even with the tons of mistakes he makes :p
Neither this time :D
I should change my username then, first mioboe, and now miviolin 😂
The violin is just so beautiful, I am more than happy that the young man decided to play it when he was still small, although I was trying to convince him to piano... He was stubborn! 😂
The clarinet is also nice but it wasn't among my favourite ones. I mean the instrument. People playing it is another story, I had many friends who played it.
Your little neighbour playing on the balcony, Star Wars? I guess not this tune if it is calming :))
If my son would practice on the balcony... I think the neighbours would throw us out of the building 😅 Violin is much louder than the piano or clarinet.
Good boy! :D
I mean the sound of the instrument is calming. The low, soft tone of it. Love it! No matter what is played :)
And it is noisy... it hits the buildings around and spreads. So cool :D
I can almost imagine that his parents had enough and told him to practice outside 😂
I almost asked this hahah, was he sent out practice 😂
Poor boy :D
It's so cute though when he tries to play and cant get it right :D
Still, you managed to match the under-eye circles with the outfit, and as for the alarm - you made it do it! :D
Maybe you won't give violin lessons, but definitely violin posing lessons! Fits you well, and I like your blazer a l o t.
Tell Miss Migraine it's her time to go, svakog gosta tri dana dosta!
Oh, the colours matched perfectly - and I am not going back to black, I am always in black haha. (who invented that morning playing the piano thing pfffffffffff 😂)
The violin lessons - definitely not me giving them but you know who would be responsible for that task if I would need them :)
The blazer - I like it too! I was the happiest person that day when I saw it and bought it (for some unbelievable ten or around ten euros 😀)
Bas vala, sto je dosta, dosta je! 😆
Black is new pink!
Cmon you are barely sleeping, since when is that a problem for you? :D
Still waiting for the duo of you two, that would be awesome! Mine blazers are mostly brown or gray, except for the thrifted D&G which doesn't fit anymore.
Rare chances to find suited ones, and above all I don't know where to wear them now. 😂
To some concerts 😂
Violin concerts, piano concerts, or simply - coffee in the garden or consuming previously baked biscuits... many options actually :D
Soon I'm unpacking that box, already making combinations for that special occasion. 😂
I'm in my studio laughing with all the things that happened to you jajjaja 😂😂😅 by the way did you know , my brother used to play the violin ( true) 😂😂😂 so you would need to create a new instrument and play it, that way nobody could tell u that 😂😂😅😅 I tried when I was younger the guitar but I was really bad at that instrument 😂😂 so I continued with the lenses and the brushes better 😂
Hahahah, believe me, I was laughing too while writing, but the morning went in the described way, all true! And I seriously thought (and also said aloud to one of the guests) that so many pianists we have right now 😂
The can't be true part came just when I got the violin into my hands 🤣
You are great with playing the instrument called lenses 🎶 , so it would not fit into this challenge. But a musical instrument... could be fun seeing your story and what would you do 😉
I love them both—planes and old ladies, of course.
You have good taste lol
Have a great weekend, maybe try to teach this Atlas? :))) it is so cute 😇
...those eyes 🤩
It was me who set my favorite sounds on the alarm, but when it comes to wake me up, of course the annoying come out. I really like your concept of wearing black, actually show how passion and respectful you are giving to the instrument.
Will wait to see the new content from great author from this initiation.
Yeah, even if we set the sound for the alarm, when we have to wake up we don't like anymore that sound or music 😅
Wearing black, we usually do that at classical concerts, it is the most common dress code for the musicians, though I am not required to go very formal for these gigs (but I still do 😉)
Thanks for stopping by, wishing you a great week!When you feel, you can participate in some of these initiatives @ahleap 😊
WOOOOOW muchachonaaa with a violin, i didnt spect that, it cal my attention inmediately 😱😱. I have a friend called @elbuhito she is learning violin and then i see this, what a coincidence :D
And is an iniciative, well let me see if i can participate, bes regards muchachona mipiano 🤗🤗
I hope you feel better of the migraña 🤗🤗
Hey @promete0sz, it's been a while!! How are you?
I have met @elbuhito a few times while making some paper whales and umbrellas and then the little owl was singing in the rain 😂
Would be cool if you could enter the challenge!!! 😎
Looking forward to seeing your contribution :)
WAO you already know her 😱😱, am always here and happy because i have a lot of my friends muchachona y muchachones now in the plataform and some of them like buhito, avdesing, sugeily, aibi93, raquelife stellamartinez, palabras, neurogeno is like family to me and they take all the time of me 😵 😵
Note: By the way your memory is amazing.... I will leave you a cat 😃😃
Sí, he visto a buhito aguna vez... Reconozco estos usurios, tus amigos, bueno la mayoría ;)
Hahah, my memory... one day when it turns into the opposite, it will be a huge problem for me and those around me 😂
WAOOO muchachona nos conoces a todos 😱😱
Tu memoria es oro puro muchachona, nunca sufrirás de eso 🤗🤗
My dear, you thought about me 😍 I could participate since I am not able to play the volin very well, so..... hahahahaha
Muchachonaaa i always thought about you 😚😚. Heeey if you participate, etiquetame to see your photos 😀😀
Por su pollo 😎
That was a cool relaxing vibes.
Meanwhile, I was looking forward to your performance only for you to leave us with Pictures alone 😅
How do I get convinced you can play that very well, hehehe
That was a fun post dear... Really enjoyed reading it
Haha, no performance on the violin from me, at least in the next several months or so I would not be able to play anything decent... and as this is just a challenge to bring fun, it doesn't have to be true - the playing part 😁
I actually understand.... Was just playing 😅
Hahaha 🤣 funny… I guess you can still play it.
I hope the migraines stay away…
Happy new week @mipiano 😊👋🏻
Not really 😂
I can just make some not-pleasant sounds on the violin, it is better not to listen to it 😂 (my son is the pro at playing it 😉)
migraines - I don't know anymore, I am getting slightly desperate with them this year... 😑
Happy week to you too @littlebee4 😇👋
Hahaha maybe… I believe you 😉
I know, it has been really bad lately for you. I am sorry… hope it eases of a bit. 🙁
Thank you so much 👋🏻😊
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Thanks Jackie ;)
I woke up today feeling well, seems I will be migraine-free. 🤩
Definitely a thing to celebrate hehe 🥳🥂
I really need some good period, a lot of unplanned gigs came in for the next two weeks, I have to be ok ;))
Hope you are doing well with your ones, that they don't visit you too often 🤞
You are welcome 👋🏻😊
That’s wonderful to hear. Definitely something to celebrate 🎉 hope it is still ok.
Great you got extra gigs, yep… I so understand. Hope you will.
At the moment I have about 2 a month so it is manageable. Thank you.
Have a lovely Monday evening 🌺
Two in one month, if they are not strong is manageable. Glad for you, that you are doing well! I would love to get back to that stage. (today, after my message here it slightly came back so one more pill had to be consumed... well, I survived the day in the end :D )
Have a great evening you too, and congrats on achieving a good place in the league, you are still in the top 20. (I went down a lot, but it doesn't matter 😉)
Some are some are 😖
Thanks a lot, I can imagine.
Oh no… it came back. Sorry to hear that.
Hahaha had to check as I missed it totally !LOL
Wow, I’m still in the top 20 and I was hardly around now I am planning the country move and started packing 📦 hahaha 🤣
We are still in the list, and indeed it doesn’t matter 🤓 as long as we have fun 🤩 😉
Have a wonderful Wednesday @mipiano 🌺
I shall start at A and end at Z. I think the musical gene has missed me out, weirdly! My dad was a saxophonist in a jazz/dance band in the 50's and his father a drummer. My son can play the guitar and my granddaughter is an accomplished pianist!
Me? I am tone deaf
Or backwards 😂
If anyway every instrument could come :D
Tone deaf - but I guess you can still hear when someone is not playing or singing well, right? If someone is out of tune? In our family, it was my mother and aunt who played the piano when they were small. Another uncle was also a pianist, but I have never met him, he died before I was born. My both nieces are studying music, my son also plays the violin... and the rest of the family is just the audience :D
A musical family indeed, well mother forced me as a young teenager to not only attend church, against my wishes, but to become a member of the choir ( both she and my dad were in choirs), I was rejected (thankfully...there is a god after all lol) as I could not get a note in tune.
and now..... well with 75% hearing loss due to working in heavy industry I have sadly lost interest in music ( actually 5 years ago sold my over 500CD collection). I do still attend musical theatre performances that my granddaughter appears in, but sadly just look as I haven't got a clue what is being said or sung lol.
One life live it
The violin is my lover, but I can't play very well, is it valid to participate? haha
Actually, it wouldn't count if you could play it for real :P
Thank You :))
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meow meow little kitty 😇