Lost & Found

in Q Inspired-by-Musiclast year (edited)

He is back! I saw him!!

It is just still unbelievable and a bit weird to pronounce, as if I say it aloud it can disappear... But this Friday, and it is documented with a photo so I don't have to be afraid, I found my missing friend.

Dreaming Buddha.

I know that this makes no sense to you if you didn't read those posts where I mentioned the little statue, the little Dreaming and sometimes Sleeping Buddha who somehow became my friend. He has lived on the top of one bookshelf in the hotel where I play on Sunday mornings for two years.

In early November, he disappeared.

Three small stories were written in this post with options of what could have happened to him. As option A he disappeared together with a lady who needed to reset her life. The second option was not so optimistic, as it was supposed that he broke into little pieces. Oops. That hurts, so we skip that one. Option C showed a scene of a group of tourists and the little Dreaming Buddha being taken away by them, to help.

The readers could pick their favourite option or write their own one, about the destiny of that little statue. I am now thinking, did any of you secretly write he would travel, and end up in a place called Sandos Monaco? As it is what apparently happened.


Of course, how he couldn't travel by himself...? A shiny four-legged creature was spotted by the two musicians detectives who came to investigate this case. They were not interested in the previous stories and with whom he escaped from the other hotel. Right now, the important thing was to find out how he appeared again, though in a different hotel, and who helped him to land after that mysterious flight. This reindeer was the prime suspect.


The other statue was excluded from the interrogation, he seemed busy playing one musical instrument, so I didn't want to interrupt a lot. I didn't have a lot of time either, just 15 minutes of break between the first and second part of my piano playing.


I also found a bench close to my friend but it was... hmm... let me think about the right word for it...


No. It just had an artistic design. However, I am not sure how I will sit here comfortably and listen to his story. As there are things to explain.


For example, why do I see just his head now? And why he has changed his place of living?

What is a good sign is that he is still sleeping and dreaming. And he has grown bigger since November - there is a visible metamorphosis that happened to him. Like kids, when we don't see them for a month or two and later we notice a big difference as they grow.

Next Friday when I am back there to play my piano, I hope to see him again, continue this conversation and find out more details about his journey and possible adventures.



Do you maybe have your own version and theory of how he could appear here, in a different hotel, with a bit different look after his disappearance in November? 🤷‍♀



Im a little lost to be honest? Did the statue dissapear and reappear in a different motel in a different place?

Laughs although I'm assuming it's not the exact same one since you mentioned it "grew bigger" 🤣🤣

Hahaha, no worries. I assumed the risk it would be a bit confusing 😂

But yes, this is my little statue friend from one hotel where I play the piano, and I mentioned him here and here and here and here and here but you don't have to open all these links to my previous posts hahaha, in short, he went missing one day, no explanation. Two days ago I found him in another place (another city too 😁 ) and no doubt that is him lol. He just changed a bit 🤣

Well it's good that the detective job can figure out what happens with the statue of Mr Buda, my version probably include the aliens and some experiment for making it bigger and after bringing it to the hotel , them they deleted the mains of all the people there. And that's it more less 😂😂😂😂😂

A very probable version. You have that alien friend of yours, I think he can help you discover the truth :D

Btw, have you seen my comment to one of your comments hahaha? I found your signature written on one wall. Look here.

Jjjajja yesss almost my case is pumar 😉

If I go back there one day, I will add that last letter, so all good 😂

Jajjajaja 😂 perfect!! 😎

I think there is a simpler explanation to all of it. He has been forever stuck listening to the same musical instrument day and night, and as the flying reindeer entered the scene, his dreams started to change. It was a culmination of events that changed the way he felt and broke his peace. He might have simply gone soul searching, by himself in plain solitude away from the changes and figured out how to go back to his peaceful slumber. That could explain why he has changed location - to peacefully continue his dreaming journey.

Hmmm, love this explanation 😍 🎶

I hope I will play well next Friday so he can enjoy that peace with the sound of the piano. Though I should somehow bribe him back to my Sunday place 😂

I won't tell you the truth!! jajaja..but yes, he had grown bigger since November... just be happy cause he is back to be near you...

But you know the truth and don't want to tell me...? 😯


I believe that he travels through different spaces and times, as I told you, fulfilling missions and when you see him it is because he is resting, he has a lot of work and also he adapts to the places and transforms himself, because he is energy and can change, he doesn't want to be discovered so easily .... you discovered it!😃

He doesn't want to be discovered easily - now I see why two months were needed to see Dreaming Buddha again 😁

Can you imagine two months fulfilling complicated missions in the world? .... has to sleep.🤣

He deserved to sleep now. I will play the piano quietly next time 🎶

He doesn't care if you find out, I think .... otherwise he would have gone into hiding... he's safe.

Oh that's too bad, I wish you could have caught him awake. It looks like someone's been giving him a bad headache 😂

Who knows what he would tell me if I find him awake 😁

Greetings. I believe that the little sleeper woke up and came to Cuba to help me in my crops, at least to bring me the luck of abundance. He is about to arrive, he is crossing the world by boat, that is why it has taken so long. Then I will give you news. Don't worry, he was not abducted.

That is a cool way to travel through the world, with a boat. We hope the waters are calm so he arrives safe at your place 😉

I have never seen a male Buddha and I have never seen a dreaming Buddha
It looks good though and thanks for sharing and giving me an idea of what it looks like

Artis takes a lot of care while making all these things and it takes a lot of hard work and a lot of time to produce such beautiful things.

I suggest option c to be what actually transpired to your friend Buddha perhaps a misappropriation of tourist action. Consequently, She may have only needed some rest while the true call of nature broke in, keeping her in the illusion of a snoring sphere for a safe delivery into the hands of those that needed her most lol 😄😄

Let me ask You something just to know if i undestand the report of the crimen' s scene: did the little Budda appear grow up and a Lot of tired?
It seems to me he slept in the bank who loocks broken. It is the reason he is stired now. Am I rigth?

Hahaha, could be, could be the reason 😂

I will see him on Friday, and maybe he will tell me more :D

I hope you are lucky and he is awake at that time 🙄

He was sleeping... 😂