Soooooo, yes. After shouting freedom with all of you a few days ago, and celebrating my free from work time for the next two weeks, I am asking myself am I a workaholic? A new job? Is it a new chapter that I am going to write in my life book? This was NOT planned. Sleeping, chilling, and being nowhere, doing nothing were the plans. The last weeks were a bit hectic and I really needed this winter break...not to break down! I thought I would be able to fulfill this arrangement - I had a date with a few-days-long winter sleep. But the typical outcome of longing for something, for a certain time, is that when the day comes you can have it, your focus already changed a bit. You are happy, you are indeed thrilled, but that state can be affected by (at least) two things. The first is time-related. How time passes, your euphoria begins to wane. The second is related to this abatement. You are starting to look for a new challenge.
You know, I'm just trying to justify myself now. I'm looking for a deeper meaning of why this happens to people... One gets what has wanted and then, just suddenly, it opts for something else. Because four days of rest was too much for me, or what? Sometimes I may not understand myself, but that's what it is. I accepted a new job!
And maybe, maybe it's not that bad, what do you think? Being in this place and calling it work, sitting on one of these armchairs (I chose a green one) and looking at the sea and the sun that slowly separates from the sea and floats in the sky.
Ok, let's see the view from that place: Morning vibes! Sea. Sun, finally after several days of having the skies covered by a grey layer of clouds. Not so positive fact: it is Sunday morning. So, yes, I accepted to come to this place, every Sunday morning and bring some musical vibes to people staying at this same place. We are talking about a hotel that wanted soft and nice piano music while the guests of the hotel have breakfast. So funny fact, I have played on many different occasions, but never during breakfast! This is a new experience.
But that is what we have now, a new schedule. I played during evenings in art expositions, birthday parties, weddings, ceremonies, dinners, cocktails, the chilling time before or after dinners in very nice hotels, wellness clinics, in a home for elderly people, clubs... Some of them were indeed so special places. Imagine a place where Naomi Campbell stayed... and on various occasions the first man of Russia. Obviously, that place had very strict rules protecting the privacy and security of guests, so it was not my favorite place to play even it was a glass beautiful grand Yamaha piano I played on during the period of my contract of one year. But that is all past now. Since March 2020, not many of this kind of performance happened. This morning, my fingers announced my coming back, but yes, in a different schedule. Morning. Sunday. Breakfast. Well, it was just the first day, but it is supposed to be a long-term thing, if I like and if the guests like.
And, guess what? They liked. I was pleased and I felt good. First of all, to explain a bit how do I play. If I am very confident with the piece I play, I dont watch the keys all the time. I observe people and their reactions. Here and there, the gazes meet. Under normal circumstances, that would be accompanied by a shy smile, but the masks we wear over our mouths dont reveal much. But what is important, I saw that apart from being there to consume their breakfast, some of them paid attention to my activity. An English gentleman came and asked me if I would be kind enough to play the song Moon River for his wife. Wow, that was a lovely gesture, of course, Moon River is one of my very well-known ones so the tune went for their love. His wife was smiling while listening to the song :) A Spanish couple came and said how nicely I play... another Spanish family also. It was good to have that feedback. {am I bragging now?} Bad thing.
The one and a half hours passed quickly, plus I made a short pause and walked a bit around the chilling room with those green and orange heads with plant hair. There is also a circle thing, which is where I am going to play in a few days, during a cocktail that was agreed. This new morning schedule is something new that I was offered two days ago. It was a quick decision, and I hope I will not regret it. Anyway, as I said, I can quit or I can be kicked off if my music doesn't match the tastes, or if the funds for it finish.
Anyway, I am not giving up on the relax-time I have signed up for. Two weeks of not teaching and here and there playing the piano... actually, not that bad, I think. Instead of being a sleeping cat or hibernating bear, I will be even confident to take some selfie photos, oops. Not a big fan of taking them, but here is the thing: I dont even need makeup to get into a bit better shape. Lipstick? Who needs it, when I can hide half of my face hahahaha. Ok, that was easy, one photo and hopefully, it seems ok-ish.
And if it is not good, I am back to this place in a few days so corrections can come!
It is hard to sit around idle, even if our body and mind could use the rest. A productive person, especially one that is truly gifted, will easily become restless and wish to make an impact on the world.
This hotel is beautiful and the views are amazing. This looks like a wonderful place to play, even during the mornings.
I look forward to reading more and watching your piano skills.
Thanks for stopping by :)Hey @daltono
Well, yes, it is not easy for me to sit and do nothing, even if I really waited for this winter break from work (I am a piano teacher, so it was a necessary and wanted break from teaching hahaha). The offer for playing in this hotel came, I accepted and in two days I was there. It was nice, for me it is not difficult to play, it is more the fact I can not allow myself longer sleep on Sunday mornings, but I will get used to it. One day :D
I will have to take a better look at what compositions are offered in the game you are playing, and maybe study some of them and post ;)
It is good that you have guests who appreciate your talent. Congrats on scoring this solid gig at the hotel.
Here is a tracklist for the game:
Oh, cool, thank you for the list, I am already clicking there hahaha. Have you tried La Campanella by Franz Liszt or Flight of the Bumblebee? Have you unlocked those stages? Those are extremely hard piano compositions, I suppose it is not easy in the game either
Yes I have played both and bumblebee is one of the hardest songs in the game.
I'll make a video of me playing them soon.
Looking forward to hearing that 😊
Btw, I wish you a Happy New Year and lots of great moments in 2022 🥂
That view....
I can almost imagine myself sitting in front of that huge window with a bucket of hot coffee.
I am sure people will enjoy you playing :))
Yeah, it is an absolutely beautiful place for a hotel. I am wondering how they got permission to build that close to the shore, but probably there was already a building from a time one was allowed to build where wanted. Nowadays it is not allowed anymore. That sun and huge windows are beautiful, the only thing as it was so bright, I would need to wear sunglasses in cases I dont sleep enough. I tried to go to sleep earlier yesterday night, but failed in that :)
For you:
Coffee coming ☕️
Sun coming 🌞
Music coming 🎶
Yessss :D
Extra coffee today please and thank you. I am zombified...
Hahahaa, I am going backward in responding to your you might already know, coffee time is ON
Sheesh! to play the piano during breakfast? At such early hours of dawning? And every Sunday?
¡Holy sleepwalkers! Then, I suppose they actually hired you to wake them up and not to lull them eh?
So, in my opinion and just in case, it will be better you start rehearsing this musical piece asap to fulfill well the mission currently entrusted. Only then I can guarantee that the guests will like it and the contract might be a long-term thing. :D
Yeah my dear lady. Try what I'm telling you. And make everyone throw their masks far away to reveal who they really are and how they truly feel with your spontaneous funky groove. }:)
If you do exactly what I tell you. You always will be able to quit the job whenever you want. However, you will never allow to be kicked off unexpectedly. The audience certainly will match your taste. :)
Many successes in these relaxed holiday performances! 🎹 🎶 ☮
Yes, those are early hours!! Maybe better I don't even go to sleep on Saturday evenings, so no need of early waking up on a Sunday morning :D Problem solved.
Wow, I will say this next week, as you are absolutely right!! I just don't know why the manager insisted on soft and nice, calm music?? Weird request, right?! The bird thing should come so they can realize what all inclusive means... a lot of laughter as well 🤣
:))) True, it would be the expected last breakfast!!
Thank you 😊
Sure! I bet you will be one step away from becoming into a full sleepless raver before the end of the year. Especially now that you've already had a close encounter of the third kind with my Hypnotrance music in those other previous posts of mine. LoL
Well, looking forward for the report next week. Let's see if we are indeed absolutely right! :)
Oh yeah! Surfin' Bird always will be a good card to play to guarantee full inclusive immersion. Hahahaha
Always a pleasure! 😊
Hahah, maybe there will not be any next report then, or maybe just the last breakfast report... something like that :D
Yep, there always has to be one last thing for everything. Including a last breakfast report...
But the good thing about it, is that we will always have acquired new knowledge, experiences and wisdom at the end of these processes... or something like that. :D
When it happens, and let us hope that it will not be so soon, the last breakfast report post will come, inspiration coming from these messages thing! 😇
echo effect...
echo effect...
echo effect...
You see?! You just cannot sit still and do nothing {LOL}
But I must say, when being able to play at a place you can play, it isnt that much of a burden, I would think. Such amazing views from the hotel. Ok, I guess when you play the piano your mind is going into the music and playing so much of the scenery is to be enjoyed when not playing. But still :) ...and its always nice to be asked to play, isn't it?
Aha, you do music requests in real life as well! Not just on HIVE :) Nice... Question: you really like to get requests for music? It's ok when you dont like it since its the artist that shall play what the artist likes to play while respecting the audience of course. With the latter I mean, one shall tweak the music to what the audience is able to handle. But the audience can also be 'taught' about music they may not expect, or may not know, or may not like at first.
Anyways, looks like you had a nice breakfast session :)
I see! :D
Still, between those work sessions I can (I really should) do nothing.
My mind sometimes goes on autopilot mode when I play. When I play a new piece or song, then I am focused to get it good, but when I know something well I do those looking around things and listening to the sound + catching the reactions of people without having to think a lot. The position of the piano was not so close to the window, three rows of tables that separated me from the huge windows and sea. I was tempted to ask them can I play there when I saw almost below my feet the sea... but before I asked I realized those places would be reserved already for more important people than me :D
Usually, I do the choice of music, of course, according to the occasion and what kind of music is what the place asked for. If classical, if more chilling, if upbeat, if soundtracks, or if not specified I go with intuition-and what I have. But I am glad if I can meet some requests (though I have to know the song and see if it matches the situation ;) )
Requests on HIVE are always welcome, shoot your one, please! :)
I wont shoot request just that literally. But they seem to be hidden (intentionally and unintentionally) in my Spread the Vibes contributions {LOL}
I think I got the hidden message from here: mipiano, go and practice that thing for your response ;)
Wonderful story. Very interesting.
If you took on a gig just for Sunday mornings, then it is not too much time away from chilling out.
You remind me of my partner @clairemobey, who loves to sing. You are very modest about how well you play. It is good to have the feedback and get some compliments. Considering the amount and scope of places that you have played though, I don't think you could ever be bad at playing that piano! Why else would you be playing everywhere?
Similarly, Claire gets compliments wherever she goes and sings, yet sits with major stage fright or nervousness when it comes to performing in public or posting something up on Youtube.
Such is the burden of a performance artist - you have to risk putting a bit of yourself out there for the rest of the world to see and potentially - judge.
And yet you should just go for it. Most of the time, most people will love it. We just want to hear that music. Keep playing!
First of all, thank you for stopping by and reading this post! :) Yes, on regular basis it will be just on Sundays, and also we will find someone to jump in if I can not go.
Thanks for letting me know about your girl, I checked her and followed, I hope music will come from her too (listened to her youtube video where she sings)
Yes, I had a period of time I was very active in having gigs, one summer it was every evening at a different place, even some days I went to two places... After a time one get burned out, so I cut down a lot, and when lockdown started, well, then everything was canceled and I never went back to have them. So, it is like a new chapter again, but let's start slowly, one morning a week is a good start :)
Thank you so much. @clairemobey appreciates that so much!
Yeah, lockdowns have made digital interactivity more vital. Claire did some collaborations online as well. Still waiting for the result of that.
Keep us posted!
Super, yes, we are a bit more focused on digital interactions and also as a way of making music and collaborating. That is good if we know how to handle it with a good balance. Nice to meet you two
@mipiano Gosh that's wonderful progress. People don't realize what we put into our music. Thank you so much for taking a listen to me too! I'll be sure to look out for you and your music in the future <3 @ZakLudick thank you for the mention xxxx
It's very beautiful place, @mipiano. You should going around to feel those all. Have a good time, friend 😁
They were nice people and the place is ok. Morning is not so ok but I will get used to it (hopefully ;D )Thank you @bobreza I am sure I will have a good time :)
Hope everything going well @mipiano ... By the time going you will get used to not so ok morning there...😁
What a great place. Sun, sea and relaxation. I can imagine how much pleasure people got on Sunday morning listening to the puffy fortopean music. And I can imagine what emotions you feel when you see the positive realizations of people listening to your works. This is the best feedback that will definitely motivate :)
Positive feedback is indeed the most motivating thing. If I feel people are enjoying the time, and the music, then even nicer songs are coming :)
Is it truly work indulging in your passion? Or is it a case of not wanting to spoil your passion by 'compulsory' play? ... Not serious questions ... truly !
That does look like a lovely location ... and I think calm piano music accompanying breakfast is a very nice touch indeed.
Selfie perfectly good... but the shy smile not evident {grin}
Next time, I shall put that mask on the parts of my face that are visible here....and just leave the top of my nose and the smile :)
What a beautiful place @mipiano , I think it's great that you take this space to indulge your time and your mind, that's really necessary. Enjoy! Live! be grateful! Life is a miracle that we don't know how long it will last. Hugs 🤗🎶
Yes, you are right, life is a miracle we should be grateful to and make every step enjoying it and sharing with others that happiness 😇🎵
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