Sounds absolutely beautiful!!! Wow, just love those very deep and low notes Jiro plays, excellent vibrato also! And your top-notch saxophone playing is nothing less outstanding :))
I noticed one instrument, like a traditional one... but dont actually know the name of it... it is cool too!
El didgeridoo es un instrumento de viento formado por un tubo de madera inventado por los aborígenes australianos. No tiene ningún mecanismo para cambiar de nota, pero puedes cambiar el sonido que emite.
The didgeridoo is a wind instrument made of a wooden tube invented by the Australian Aborigines. It has no mechanism to change notes, but you can change the sound it emits.
Muchas gracias por la explicación. Justo así me lo imaginaba, que era algún instrumento de los aborígenes pero no sabía el nombre. Gracias 👍
That must be the didgeridoo! It's a lot of fun - I'm not great at playing it but it's fun to pull out and get a big deep horn sometimes.
Thanks so much for your kind words mipiano!
Thank you, so didgeridoo. 👌 Hope thta I will remember the name of this instrument. I can imagine that it is fun to play it :)