Started to listen to this youtube share, and went skipping through the track, but it is maybe harsh if I can use that word? A bit violent to the ears? Not like that matte and pleasant sound of bass that Joel Mull uses? Do I walk a bit closer? However, still didn't listen to the whole album, but I will :)
P.S. I forgot the name of the Dutch festival with the cool decoration, that should be the NL version of Fusion... wait, was it Wildeburg? Did I invent now this word hahah, if yes, a major fail on my part... the recognition that I obtained today will be swept away 😂
Harsh is maybe a better word indeed. Raw could be another word? Dave Clarke. used to do a lot of scratching and flipping back and forth between the playing records, making it raw, rough, harsh.
Wildeburg indeed: Super memory you have! :)
ok, so a new name and lessons to remember :)
Dave Clarke - scratching, flipping, rough, harsh! OK, repeat, Dave Clarke - scratching - flip... :)
done :)
Wildeburg - the method I used to remember it was like separate words, wild and burg ... or, the residents of a burg that went wild 😂
you've passed the exam 😉
Didn't they? :D
Cool, exam passed! Minimum score, or a bit better? How much out of 10? 😂
...outside of the scoring system... not a bad achievement 😁