I saw your previous post about fame, had it in my mind to comment there, and voila, I just see a new article from you? Cool!
As this post covers our specific topic, being a musician, and the challenges that this profession brings, I will write here ;) However, I can mostly speak just about classical music and being a musician in that sector ;)
You fully touched on the topic of the economic side of this profession and that it was considered as one of the best-paid jobs. I can somehow agree as if we look back in history. When classical musicians were paid by patrons, they certainly didn’t lack much in life. We can see most of that in the time of classicism, they composed for the upper class and were gladly seen in the courts. In the time of romanticism, things changed a little, but still, composers, the successful ones, were well paid. Later, the tendency of performing developed, ie playing not only their own compositions but also pieces composed by other authors. Of course, those who made the best breakthrough were paid nicely, but many went unnoticed. It is the same today, with a small difference, that today we have countless musicians on this planet of ours who have gone unnoticed. Realistically, it’s not easy to be in the classical music elite, it takes a lot of things to match, and once you’ve pushed through, it doesn’t mean you’ll stay there forever if you’re not persistent and hardworking, and innovative, and many things more haha.
I got sometimes the question, do I have another job, or what is my real profession that makes my living. Well, I don't have another one, I teach piano and performed (well, indeed past tense right now if we don't count like two performances for the last year and a half) mostly classical music. It can be a great way to make sufficient means for a decent life -if the normal is not the new normal 😅- doing something that we really love to do, as you say this is our art of expression.Hey @jangue2054
How good you are writing these personal reflection posts 👌 I hope that you will have many interactions and make some new connections here and all around the platform!
Btw, what is now the situation in your country? Are you allowed to have some concerts, can you have some gigs?
Thank you very much for sharing that anecdote and making those comments that motivate me to keep doing this. I also had an anecdote when I realized that my passion and my profession was music, my mother did not agree very much because she thought the same, that music is 5 minutes of fame and that's it, then I started looking for schools and academies that would grant me a title and when I got it, I showed it to her and it was the right argument for her to give me her support and I still have it. Answering your questions, in my country there are concerts and musical presentations, but they are more frequent for your specialty, which is classical music, in my style and genre of music it is more difficult to get presentations or someone to make an investment in your work, I I also teach, but with the pandemic I lost my clientele and it has cost me a lot to get it again because the situation in my country does not lend itself to people being interested in learning music, they are more inclined to other things that are more necessary, but really Thank you very much again for sharing your opinion with me, I hope you like my next article the same or more.
I am happy you were strong to fight for your musical education and went with your flow! Good you did it.
Teaching and pandemic. I can hear you... lost some of my private students during the lockdown, those that didn't want to learn online. But, fortunately, many agreed to online lessons from the school where I give lessons, so we continued. We are teaching now in person again.
I understand, learning to play an instrument is maybe not essential for many and even more for people that can not afford a musical education.
But, you see, many ways we can find and discover, the digital era can give a lot of advantages too ;) You found hive for example :)
Btw, how do you like the posts in this community? It is good to meet new people and get to interact with them. I can just encourage you to explore a bit, greet people here around! Many that speak Spanish too, but I see English is not a problem for you, you can always translate ;)
Yo prefiero hablar en inglés, pero puedo responder en castellano también :)
Si es un poco complicado traducir para mí, pero hice el sacrificio porque no sabía si hablas bien el español o el inglés.
Ya he explorado la comunidad y me encanta, todavía no me he topado con alguien en español, además de tí, pero estoy pendiente.
Bueno, castellano no es mi primera lengua, pero voy así como ves y lees :)
Hay muchos que hablan en español, si vemos toda la plataforma y también aquí en este pequeño rincón que han publicado ultimamente: ricardomello, ssamihc, iefersoto, bertrayo, soyjudith, maria1728, luisenriquecp, chentebass, nataliaeline, latinllanes, y solo tres que no hablan español ;))
Te digo de mi experiencia, que la interacción es lo más interesante y lleva muchísima importantancia en hive. Veo que hemos creado la cuenta los dos más o menos hace un año... No creo que haya pasado un solo día sin que yo al menos me pase por aquí a curar o comentar. No esperes que los demás vengan a tus publicaciones, es dificil... Yo sí que te comento, porque hemos visto calidad y quiero que prosperes. Aunque escribes bien, y es justo lo que se respeta lo más, la reflección personal, intenta también variar de tipo de publicaciones a veces, o cambiar el tipo de la fotografía de la portada. Y espero aceptes mis comentarios como consejos amistosos ;) No son quejas ;)