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RE: The missing element

in Q Inspired-by-Music11 months ago

allá é lo perdió

Well yes, that's the thing haha. And this is just a small example; what about all the other, more serious situations when just a little smile could change things for the better?

Jaja, al menos 2 o 3 domingos... eso sí. Aunque es un trabajo que me gusta, es gratificante. 😇


Hola Mipiano, I hope your aphonia is gone and you got rid of the annoying cough.

...what about all the other, more serious situations when just a little smile could change things for the better?

The magic of a smile can change everything, but...stubbornness and human arrogance, sometimes, have no limits.

Aunque es un trabajo que me gusta, es gratificante. 😇

Eso es lo importante, si te hace feliz, no importa cuando ni donde.

Feliz semana para toda la familia. 🤗