I went back to the crime scene. I always do, over and over again I let myself be drawn to its mystery every week. I can thank this to my curiosity, it's not that I am blaming Mr Sleeping Buddha for getting me involved every time in some storyline. It's not even he who moves the books on those shelves, it's the hotel's guests who read those books and later put them back in the order they want. He just shows me with his head where I have to look. Btw, do you remember the Mafia story? It went down on the shelf, so I guess that the story about it already finished.
Already a week ago I got that inquiry to solve the mystery about Schwarzwaldruh. It was the book that my hand was supposed to touch and see the story immediately, at that moment. However, to my great surprise, I understood nothing. Schwarzwald, the Black Forest in Germany was dormant, very quiet and didn't want to reveal to me easily the crime that happened there. The book cover showed just a blue sky, with two little clouds. A calm scenery, without any sign of torment, but the subtitle was leading me to a different conclusion. ...krimi? Must be a detective novel, a mystery story.
It indeed was a mystery for me, for a whole week. I even tried to read a bit from the book. So much fun hahahah, it was in German and I don't speak that language. I know less than even 4 words... and one of them is a curse word so I better skip showing my German language knowledge. I got no clue. Days were passing, the crime was not solved in my mind until that phone call. A new gig, if I didn't have enough already of a complicated schedule.
So, the celebration of Europe Day is approaching and the Town Hall will have a little event. They found it appropriate to make that day nicer with some speech of the political representatives of the town, maybe some wine or champagne and music. Piano music 🎶 😎. One composition was requested as compulsory - the Anthem of Europe. Do you know that tune? I am more than sure you heard about The Ode of Joy, composed by Beethoven.
Everything became clear - the Geman language was the clue and the resolution of the mystery at the same time. I will have to practice a composition by the German giant of classical music, Ludwig van Beethoven. As I am not an orchestra haha, I have to play it on my instrument, the piano. There is one good arrangement, written by another classical music giant, Franz Liszt. I printed out the scores of the arrangement yesterday and started to practice, we don't want this thriller story to finish in a bad way hahaha. Until the 9 of May, I have to have it perfect.
Apart from that composition, I will prepare a few more pieces. Liszt... that name inspired me so I will also practice and perform Nocturne No 3 in A Flat Major by the same composer, and probably two other pieces, but moving toward French composers. After all, it is the Day of Europe, I should try to incorporate composers from different countries. I thought about Camille Saint-Saëns and Jules Massenet.
My studies started yesterday and I have to say that I overdid a bit so my right arm was hurting in the evening... and this morning too, but I could practice again today without issues. I recorded some small parts of it, but it is not a performance level at the moment. Especially The Ode to Joy is just in the reading phase, I have to study it a lot. Anyway, this is what my little family and the neighbours will listen to for one week. The video ends as it ends 😂 - with errors and then I stop and play again the passage or the part 😂
Good luck to those who live close to me!!
P.S. I don't take responsibility for possible damage to your hearing while listening to this practice session 😁. Maybe it is better just to skip it, or put the volume to very low levels. (this latter seriously, as I recorded just with a phone, the sound is maybe not the nicest)
▶️ 3Speak
Nice to stick with the German theme and one of my fav tunes about Alle Menschen wirden Bruder, btw that book De Regels Van Drie, is supposed to be quite good (for a young adults book) you should try it it´s very similar to German.
I knew that Scheisse would be the curse word, but that you knew Schmetterling amazed me. Just start reading ver langsam and read it Bischen bei Bischen.
Sound quality indeed is a little off, but it only makes me curious how this would sound in a non-practice session with a proper recording device.
Non-practice session. You can hear it, even without the need for any recording device - when BTC hits... hmm, what was said, $1M? 😂
You see, there are a number of German and Dutch, also Norwegian books in that hotel. We can clearly see who reads the most when on vacations in Spain. 🌞
It's a pity I am not anymore young adult hahaha
I was waiting for the movie, I do enjoy those real life kid movies (the Nordics to a great job making those).
I do love those hotels and apartments that keep those Dutch, German, English books, it is always an interesting find as if it was put in your path.
This isn't really relevant to your post, well somewhat but not.
I've never been much of a book reader, but the last few years I've been getting quite hooked on them... I am still quite picky but I have to say the book collection is growing greatly the last year and I might have to get myself a bookshelf sometime😂😎
Everything is relevant :))
I was reading much more in the past, it helped me a lot to learn Spanish (when I moved here). Then Hive happened lol 😁 Now I try to get back into the habit of reading, though I would need some extra hours in the day ;)
Good luck with getting yourself a bookshelf 😄📚
Entschuldigen, können Sie mir bitte das Wort sagen? :D
Bitte, bitte, bitte :p
Do not over practice štreberu! They need you with both hands on the stage!
Hahah, I know, but it always happens when I want to practice everything at once, in full power and speed. Imagine running a race without warming up. But it has nothing to do with smart and organized practising, which is the only way I can now get the Ode to Joy right.
Hahahha, the curse word or all that I know hahaha?
As I know also schmetterling, danke, ja, and bitte. Also klavier and langsam.
Scheisse , that's more than 4 words I know. (that was my word 😂)
Got dizzy imaging it. 😂
Consistency is a key! You'll make it and you know it!
See, I knew there are more than just 4 words (that cursing one intrigued me the most) ;)
Thanks for believing that I will make it 😇
And if not, I always have that word, so I can use it with every mistake while I play
🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 la la la la la 🎶 🎶 🎶 la la scheisse la la 🎶 🎶 🎶 la la la la 🎶 🎶 🎶 scheisse la la la 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶
and so on 😂
Langsam Klavier Scheiße lalalal....😝
I dont see any other option 😉
Hahahaha, langsam klavier it will be!
...with additional words maybe... 😂
Todavía me queda un misterio aquí por resolver, pero soy tan vaga... 😂 😁
Si te quedan 9 días, seguro que saldrá perfecto porque ya lo es.
☁️ ☁️
Sí, nueve días pero... esos días ya les tengo con ensayos, clases y tb otro concierto que no tiene nada que ver con este de 9 de mayo. Quizás yo soy la vaga y me estoy quejando 😂
😂 el mejor ejercicio para la vagancia es transcribir todo lo que dice ese libro en alemán (las dos páginas que muestras en la foto) y pasarlo por DeepL 😆 ... lo óptimo sería encontrar a alguien que sepa alemán (pedirle el favor de que traduzca mientras tomamos un té)
I gave up trying to find any clue on those two pages 😂😂😂
Una semana pasó y nada 😂
But I knew what Schwarzwald was, from the title, la Selva Negra.
No creo que alguien nos haga el favor, aunque el té no estaría mal 😇
Té con galleticas de chocolate con Altea (adentro)
una cosa muy rica
😅 cortesía anixaeva

La altea presenta raíz gruesa, hojas ovales y flores blanquecinas o rojizas. Con su raíz se producía tradicionalmente el dulce llamado malvavisco, que actualmente suele elaborarse con goma arábiga, gelatina, azúcar y saborizantes.
No sabía de este significado de la palabra althaea - planta del grupo familiar de las malváceas. Creo que estos dulces, bueno, sería parecido, no exactamente lo mismo, lo comía como pequeña (y luego también hahaha)
Gracias 😇
Buenos días mipiano, que todo salga divino en ese concierto. Todas mis mejores energías están contigo.
I was lost in the dance of the hands on the piano, how beautiful the two melodies, although I like the second one better. Well, I love Beethoven too.
I loved your inspiration and the wonderful books you showed. I don't know German either, I guess I'll just say thank you hahaha.
A real pleasure to listen to you! A big hug!❤️
I hope you found yourself again after being lost by those melodies 😁😉
The second one is composed by Liszt, who was my favourite composer when I was in high school. I already played this Nocturne many times, it is in my fingers I just have to refresh it to be again in form :)
The Beethoven Ode to Joy is something that I started to read for the first time yesterday. It will give me some headaches while I am learning it 😬
Un abrazo de vuelta and happy Sunday 😇Danke for reading and listening @avdesing
You will definitely make it, I have no doubt about that. And if I could find myself in such a beautiful melody. There is no better thing for the soul.
Thank you very much @mipiano!❤️
I have read your content carefully, especially the content of the article is very meaningful and has an amazing level of leadership, I think I am lucky to know you in this wonderful nest.
Thank you for your very nice words. I try to bring some story in my posts, not always, but these posts where I mention this little statue (Sleeping Buddha - it's how I named it 😅) from the place I work are a mixture of everything 😂 - real life happening mixed with the fiction parts hahaOh @ahleap 😇
Writing and music, two sublime works of art: with notes we compose "phrasing" that speaks, while poetry, when read with the right intonation, sounds like music...
Keep playing, you are very good at it!
Thank you for noticing this connection it and bringing up.What a nice comparison, @mikezillo 🙌 writing and music!
I will keep playing, of course ;) Thanks for reading and listening, I hope you are having a very nice Sunday evening!
Ya eres grande y muy buena con el piano mio .😂 solo te pido que no se te suba lo de cubana en el show.
😂😂😂😂Yo solo puedo decirte que confíes en ti misma. El resultado será el acumulado de todos los años que llevas practicando el instrumento. Así que te deseo lo mejor de lo mejor, @mipiano
Gracias Denis, intantaré confiar en mi misma (para esto sí que debo primero cumplir con mi parte jajaja - estudiar 😅) pero sí, la experiencia de todos estos años ayuda y sin ella no sería posible avanzar o empezar con nuevas obras.
🎶 ;)
You are coming to the German language by roughly the same path I did, just from the opposite direction ... Beethoven brought me, and THEN I got into the rest of the culture! I'm actually writing about that process for a post tomorrow ...
My German vocabulary is still around 4 words (a few more ;) )
But I know you are great both in the German language & culture and music! 👏
I remembered the times of Crocodile Dundee and Raiders of the Lost Ark. It is wonderful to learn about the history of the old continent such as Europe, its cultural and ethnic diversity.
Certainly, the recording with the microphone of the mobile phone is not good, but you can hear it well, it is something more personal.
Hahaha, yeah, I said it was not good 😉
Usually, I record with proper equipment but this was just practicing. Thanks for listening.
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(3/5) @technicalside tipped @mipiano
Oh, c'mon, darling, @mipiano, it's not that big a deal. In fact, the sound is not so bad. Besides, (and you know this well) your talent encompasses far more than technical limitations can overshadow. By the way, I wanted to confess that I've been listening to a lot of classical music. From the gothic period to the intricate, possessive and mystical persona of a genius, such as Beethoven. I think you have something to do with that, and I take the opportunity to highlight you. A hug, long time no hear from you. I hope we don't lose track of you.
Probably the translation.
Haha, I lost track of myself too, no worries 😂
Just a joke, but these days are full of work.
It is great you listen to classical music, there are compositions that are not easy to listen to them, but also there are works where one can simply get a whole experience of emotions and thoughts while letting itself fly in the sound. Enjoy.
Please, make me a recommendation of classic composers you love the most. I'd be pleased to pay attention and listen to it. By the way, thanks for your reply. @mipiano
It is hard to decide who are the most favourite composers... but I would always be happy with Rachmaninoff, Debussy, Ravel, Bach, Chopin, Liszt, Prokofiev... 🎶
I can start with that.