When music?

in Q Inspired-by-Music2 years ago (edited)


Summer vacations can bring at the same time two opposite feelings to me. Being bored and doing nothing vs having so many activities that I need a break from them. That sounds weird, imagine someone saying this: I need a break from the break. But as I mentioned, these last days were full of different (also very cool) activities that I need to dedicate a few hours just to relax without anyone around.

Without anyone around... it is not a truthful statement, as I will have around some classical music composers. And many of these black dots running up and down between the lines. A bit of physical activity for these music notes... As you know what I was doing yesterday late evening?

I was riding the bike with my niece and did a crazy route with her (just because I was not aware of its difficulty). I thought it will be just a short or medium-long route, as we already had a full afternoon of swimming and going again with the boat to the sand island.

So, the bike route happened in nature. No asphalt. Just a dirt road, which is nice but you have to go slower. And it was already 8 p.m. when we began the route, but then, I was not aware that complete darkness would cover this part of the world in just one hour from the moment of taking this photo.


We followed the river, so on our right, it was the forest that separated the path from the river and on the other side of the road, different landscapes were given to us. We passed by meadows, woods and fields. A lot of corn and wheat fields. I so much liked that, it was indeed beautiful, however, I started to complain to my niece and ask her questions. When this path will finish? Will we have asphalt and a better road? How many kilometres do we still have to pedal etc.


Well, the answer to my questions arrived after two hours, when I was literally dead, in the complete dark but in front of my house. The tracker showed that we did 30 km, so this is why today I can't do anything else, just be alone and heal my muscles.

{Btw, that siluette on the photo below is me, when finally found some better road but surrounded by tall trees and getting already darker...}



So, I have decided that my relaxing activity will be browsing around my old piano books, and maybe also playing something on my former piano (which is now not at my home anymore). I already found some piano scores of Chopin's works, for example, his Scherzos and started to practice them a few days ago. Now I put out from the shelves a pile of these old books, indeed very old ones. There are piano scores that my mom used when she was a child and also older books that I got from someone who had them in his attic.

A lot of German and Austian composers got home on my shelves. I would gladly talk to them, but my German is equal to almost nothing. Luckily, I know one universal language, which is music so clearly, that is the only way I can communicate with their works. Playing them on the piano.

First, I have to select what I want to play. A new name for me, Alfred Jaell, although he is sleeping here for so many years... I guess that yesterday's bike ride and my healing process today had to happen so I start to browse and see this book. Not many recorded pieces can be found online, probably he was not very famous worldwide. Just in this area, which more than a century ago belonged to the Austrian Empire.


That composer is not the only one I have seen now. There is also a book of Grieg's Piano Concerto in A minor, many studies by Czerny, Chopin again etc. I remember playing from those studies, when I was still studying the piano. Also my mom played them, and my aunt, I saw their names in the scores and their teacher's instructions written by a pencil. Hmm, just found a list written by me with the piano works I played and the years I played them, that's cool I wanted to have organized everything already back in time. I didn't remember this list though.

I guess I should finish my writing here and do just one thing at the same time - browsing between those books and memories. After all, I am on vacations, and multitasking should be forbidden for me today!



@tipu curate 2

Thank you @rozku 🚲 :))

I LOVE your collection there! Get your gloves out to not spoil them.. haha

Well done on 30km, and off-road at that! 30km is not always equal 30km.. depends on conditions!
I used to ride to work 42km (21km each) every day.. I know about wind and rain and I can still remember the tantrums I used to get.. 😂
But it had to be done.. Working from home now, so need to keep on top of things in other ways..

Anyway, you go an relax at the keys! Always one of the best ways! 😃

Hahaha, with gloves :)) These are really very old books, they already came in this old state to me, more than a decade or two ago.

Oh my, 21km in one way, and then back?! Every day?! Did you do it with your Peugeot bike or with an electric one?

I should rethink my way of going to work 😂

Haha, well, they should be ok for another 100 years then.. lol

I had no electric then, environmentally friendly all the way.. haha.
But it wasn't Peugeot either, although, looking back, it should have been as it's the best one I could ever imagine.. Solid and safe in winter conditions.

My partner is a keen cyclist and it was road bikes all the way then, but, although, they are light bikes, they're not very safe for icy conditions, not that we have to worry about that anymore.. sadly.

How far have to got to go to work?

How far have to got to go to work?

Maybe I should not answer to this question hahaha

...as it not more than 5 km, if even that much, but the problem is that it is another district already (ok, that would not be the problem) but it is uphill. When I had an electric bike I used to go to work on bike, but I sold it. Now I have just a normal bicycle, and believe me I would arrive to my working place sweaty... and I don't want that :D

🤣😂 no, probably not..

...but, I did it anyway 😂😂😂

😂 Excellent! Good girl! Haha

Do you know what I see when looking at the first image? Houses, all standing next to each other and below and above each other. Strangely decorated with golf sticks. With some imagination, these houses are those from Hansel and Gretel. Nooo not from the movie (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1428538/) but from the original story by the brothers Grimm. Similar to this one...


Bike route: I suppose lessons learned. Never ever listen to your niece again :)

Houses decorated with golf sticks... nice 🙂
But I think next time when I will be reading music, I will play some golf tune seeing the notes 😂

Haven't seen that movie, is it worth watching it?

Next up: transition from MiPiano into MiGolf 😉
Movie: Nooo not really a great movie. It's a bit of dumb fun. Lots of shooting and stuff, but all in a more fantasy setting.

MiGolf sounds like a good option when I ditch the piano one day (hopefully it will happen never)

Movie: Staying then just with the original story 😇

Wanna go for a ride? 😝

It's wonderful around there! Nothing better than dirty road without anyone around, only birds crippling and crickets, zen. 😇

Zen?! You say zen? 😱😂

I was already worried haha, dark was coming, (had no light on my bike) so we had to use the flashlight of the phone to avoid the holes in the road 😂

Btw, it was indeed beautiful while the sun was setting and the crickets were making music :))

Later a bat 🦇 crossed my path 😬

Spain killed romance in you 😂

Admit a bit adrenaline shake you a bit, at least fear made you turn the pedals faster 😜

Hahaha, indeed.
When I saw no light anymore, then I was trying to ride faster :D

Spain killed romance in you 😂


3 hours 😂 30km!!!? That’s a journey. If your niece told you before hand there is no way you would go.

Wow! You can read those notes? That’s classy 😁 good luck playing! You should make a video.

30 km, yes, but in two hours. And you are absolutely right, I would not go knowing what is waiting for me 😂

Yes, I can read those notes as I am classically trained. I think I should just practice a bit but recording and publishing it requires well-prepared material. When I record something I usually practice more. (there are a lot of recordings of me playing the piano, though not that recent dates... :D )

Well I am looking forward to the new recordings, some singing would be good too hehehe.

Hahaha, singing?

It would be difficult to come from me :D

Wow that dirt road with the sunset is just breath taking! It sounds like it was worth the rugged journey to see that!

For sure it was! And the very next day, we went again for a bike ride, but another, shorter route :D

My niece had to accept that I am not that young anymore hahah :)))

I have to admit I am a little jealous.... about your luxurious problem. I would already go for any type of break may it be filled with activities or me time Me da Igual. Of course, I had my break, but it was filled with obligations and since I got back life was all about work, writing, and too much heat.

No I don't mind my job and I love writing.....but looking at your pictures and reading your lines made me come to a conclusion..... I need to start saving up for a real break, a longer period detached from my everyday life to come to the point you are at...that I need a break from my break. Thanks for inspiring me.

And now I feel bad having these problems hahaha. So funny, the Me Da Igual input :))

I also love my job and all, but I always have the summers free. Actually, I have never worked during summer. It is because I finish the teaching work at the end of June and start in September. There were summers I had gigs, many of them, but playing the piano is something I don't consider just as work, but also as pleasure.

I hope you can achieve that too, detach yourself from your work, saving up for some long time that you can have some real vacation, of several months (or years :)) )
Nothing is impossible 😀

I never considered DJing work eithe, although I also never had an hourly wage that high, but I should have become a teacher. I thought about it....but then I thought that journalism would be the better option....and I ended up well having an okay job and writing mediocre posts 🤪You´re right and I am indeed working on a way to have a long time off.

So, journalism is the key to your well written posts :))

Lol no it´s not because I thought they will teach me how to write. Instead, they loved my writing, no lessons learned (well few) but we got into endless discussions on objectivity and sliding in a little bit of opinion by using certain words..... it was dreadful.

Jaël might have been a student of Chopin and Liszt, imagine that. It's impossible to confirm though. Blockchain wasn't a thing back then.

Your bike route looks and sounds absolutely spectacular! so happy for you!

Enjoy your vacation to the fullest :)

Who knows, maybe he was in some famous circles, hahah and indeed, so bad that blockchain was not a thing then 😂😂😂

Thanks, I am also happy spending time with my niece, it can be anything - cycling, going to a concert, or walk, playing together the piano or even hanging out with her and her friends :)))

I love biking and listen to birds it's very relaxing

It is relaxing indeed, good you like it too!

An afternoon walk using a bicycle is one of the positive activities that we can do in the afternoon, because apart from looking for a new atmosphere, we can also see beautiful scenery. And unfortunately I usually take an afternoon walk using a motorbike not using a bicycle. @mipiano

Well, usually in the afternoons I am working or driving a car, so it's not always like this. It's just because I am on vacations now. But you are right, we can see beautiful landscapes while riding a bike. :)
Thanks for stopping by @theycallmewell!

Wow 30km hehe Amazing.

I do not even walk to the gate of my house, however, I am happy for you that you finished your journey safe and sound and the environment was favorable for you.

Oh, I was happy too (and tired :D ) that we arrived home safe. ;)

I usually walk, and ride the bike, but not in the evening, in dark and that distance. Though it was more than interesting :)

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

💯 here comes one more :))

You're welcome @mipiano. Looking forward to you reaching your new target 🌹😊

You are a hero for being able to travel this distance on a bike!
Have a nice holiday :-)

Not sure how ten days passed and I haven't responded to some of the comments. Well, I see I missed a bunch of them. 😬

Sorry for the delay.

Thanks, holiday mode is on :) We went again to a bike ride the very next evening, but a shorter route, plus my niece in trying to convince me to go tomorrow or these days again, for a different path. :)

That's right, obey the nephew, she won't wish bad things :-)

Reading a book with a cup of tea is the best activity for relaxation. You will both be in a rest and stay active.

Two birds with one stone!

What a lovey thing to have those sheets with history! Those are great legacy items passed down through generations of musicians. Are your nieces the owners of the books now? Or are you waiting to pass the baton?

Also, 30 km? Geez! That's a lot! Are you planning to get into Le Tour de France? 😂

Hopefully, you'll get some rest and delights with some beautiful music played beautifully!

Wow! I see... You had an incredible journey back there. But also I find curious the way you get a bit anxious about life itself. Not knowing what to do around periods of time, I mean, music can be completely such a relieve! You just said right there at your post, you are in vacation mode-time, hahaha, enjoy and don't forget chilling around good music!

Wow this is hilarious to me. I think you are really good on bike and for you to cover such a distance it means either you've probably been doing it frequently and or you're already good at it.

I started to complain to my niece and ask her questions. When this path will finish?

In my case I would have gone back home😂😅🙂☺️☺️

n my case I would have gone back home😂

I did it almost, I asked if it was closer to turn and go back (she said it wasn't but it was not the truth 😂 )

It's a good thing you finally relaxed and I must say that playing the piano is a good way to relax but I hope you won't play to a point where it turns to stress.

And How are your legs doing ?, Are they still aching from the very long distance ride ?