Why would we complain?


I am again starting my post with a question for all of us... So this time I ask ourselves do we complain, and if yes, why we would do it? Is there some kind of pleasure in it? Or does the person find relief after telling others about his troubles?

This might be a good and justified reason... it is maybe a way to get feedback from the others and serve as a help in making some decisions. It doesn't count as a real complaint. Let's not go that far, but just stay with the fact of complaining just because of complaining. Maybe it is a tradition in some countries and social groups. A habit that is accepted by many people, however, if you are not used to it, and others pass some acceptable lines, it comes as a burden to listen to those types of rants.

This early afternoon, through a short chat with a friend we touched on this topic quite accidentally. Well, I said that I complain when I have to go to work but I do the same when I don't have anything to do... if I have a break from work.

Of course, this was just a joke, at least I hope it was received as a joke, as who would complain if facing 10 free days? {ok, it was a break of 12 days, but now just 10 are left}
Who would complain about having free time? Just a crazy person!

So, YES, I am happy as the Easter break from work is finally here. No real teaching thing until we get back to school! And I am not ranting now or being afraid of free time. The happy feelings about having freedom were also expressed some months ago when I had the winter break from school and now I feel the same :))))

Maybe I had to start this post by shouting out again that freedom word, but this time we are going to sing with Pink Martini and singer China Forbes.

source of the video

Accompanied by the small orchestra Pink Martini and that very funny pianist Thomas M. Lauderdale, she sings in the song Sympathique that she doesn't want to work:

I don't want to work
I don't want to have lunch
I only want to forget it
And then I smoke

Translation source

Ok, we can say that she obviously sings about other feelings. You know, those butterfly ones, right?
But anyway, we can allow ourselves to be in love with the break from work too. What do you think?
Definitely not the place to rant here!


{short story about my connection with the song Sympathique: A few years ago I had a singer partner to play on gigs. That was that very busy summer when I had solo piano gigs, a duet with a singer, and a duet with a violinist. It was some crazy pace of work. So, the singer was actually French and loved to sing songs in her language, apart from having perfect English too. This song was one of those we performed together, and I really liked it because of the cool piano solo parts. Although I suppose I am not that awesome and cool as this pianist you see in the video}


And if we are in good mood and want to celebrate a bit more of this freedom... we also should dance a bit maybe? Tuca Tuca is a song by Raffaella Carra from 1970. It was accompanied by provocative dancing, touching your dancing partner (or random people, I am not sure?). Our today's orchestra, Pink Martini, which is helping to celebrate the free days I am having, made a cover of it.
(around minute 1:30 there is a short example of that dance)

So, do we still want to rant after these two videos? No need for that I think. Also, I will not rant about the wind that was blowing when I took a walk on the promenade this afternoon. The palm trees are still resisting, they are elastic and probably dancing the tuca tuca dance. They need some diversion too! Families also enjoyed some nice moments on the beach. It was late afternoon, but still pleasant time.


Though, those questions from the beginning of the post are still open.
I can tell that people in Spain do not rant too much. It is really pleasant when you meet some acquaintances and they point out the good things and express hope instead of focusing on even irrelevant things that make them want to rant. What about your place and the people that surround you? Is complaining a habit?



That pianist is totally in the music, that's for sure... eyes closed all the time without any connection to his physical surroundings. He lets himself go 100%. Love to see something like that! Also a great song! Know this one from back in the days. Like the sound. The cabaret-style. The style I know quite well from the repertoire of Marlene Dietrich. Didn't realise the lyrics was about complaining though hahahaha My French is next to nothing :)

On the topic of complaining. Great Spanish are not complainers. As you know by now, Dutch are. Not sure why, and for sure it's not really nice. But Dutch peeps generally point out the negative sides of anything. Obviously not all Dutch peeps, but many. I seem to do that as well, but I try to reduce the glass-is-half-empty as much as possible. Interestingly, the Dutch are complainers, but when we look at the happiness levels of societies in the world, the Dutch society seems to be at the top. So contradictory. This year, the Dutch made it into the top 5 (source: https://www.iamexpat.nl/expat-info/dutch-expat-news/netherlands-once-again-one-happiest-countries-world). Whenever we have a little tough time in NL, and peeps are interviewed and asked about what their feelings are about whatever negative event or situation, most peeps respond with negativity. When the same peeps are asked about their own situation, most peeps say that they are pretty ok and feeling positive. Like now with high inflation and all: Many peeps are complaining, also forgetting the fact last decade and more we hardly had inflation, sometimes even deflation. But when asked about their own personal situation, most seem to be ok with the situation. Dutch are a weird breed of humans :)

The pianist is excellent, the heart of the band! The way how he plays is superb, and it is not just what we see, his sound is very very clear and outstanding. He has absolute dominance over the piano and it comes from a deep love for it. I have no other explanation for doing something so passionately.

Oh, you knew this song? Nice :))) hahaha, yes a bit complaining but let's say sweet complaining :D I don't speak French either, though translating makes a miracle! 😅 When I played it with my singer partner, she didn't tell me what the lyrics were about.

Yes, by now I know Dutch people are complaining but I was said the opposite (not yesterday, but earlier and from someone else).
Maybe that complaining is having the effect of stress releasing, hence the results of being the fifth happiest nation in the world :)
Congratulation, btw 😎 Finland being in the first place? But they do not show a lot of emotions, maybe it is the secret. Stay calm and don't express anything - happiness achieved? Can it be true?

And yes, a big difference between complaining about circumstances and about a personal situation. It is important to know how to separate, that the global circumstances, or negative events, situations etc don't have to affect one's attitude and feelings. At least, should not (although, to some extent, we are all affected by those negative things that we can not change).

The sauna is the thing that makes peeps so happy in that country of the Xmas guy. Must be... Or?? hahahaha
Finland peeps and ice-rabbits (sound super weird in English, but the literal translation from Dutch, off mainstream way of saying peeps are not showing emotions; in Dutch: ijskonijnen): One time I was in Helsinki, visiting a customer. Must be something like 10 peeps from the customer in the room. During the presenation I tried to get them talking, from asking questions to making some jokes here and there to break the ice. But felt so unsuccessful after the meeting. No emotions, but also no response when asking the group. Only when asking an individual person, and then still not immediately. Anyways, no emotions, no responses are likely the characteristics to find maximum happiness. Owwww, and the Sauna :)

Hahhaha, your story reminds me of another story I was told, but it was buying an awesome villa. They liked it a lot, at least they said, but from facial expressions, it was impossible to know.
Sauna, or being so close to the Xmas guy. Maybe that one is way more generous than Sinterklaas?

strange breed indeed these finland fin peeps 😆
I wouldn't be surprised when Sinterklaas and Xmas guy turns out to be the same one in different 'packaging'.

Don't know, probably yes, but why do they behave like that?
They didn't bring you anything 🙁
I was left without a gift too...

Should we send them some special group of peeps, those who mute in their free time?

Should we send them some special group of peeps, those who mute in their free time?


It matters a lot to me how a person complains.
That is: his tone, facial expressions, feelings, seriousness of the cause.
If it repeats and so on...
From all this depends my attitude to his complaint.
Maybe this perception of mine will seem strange to you :-)

Not strange at all.
You highlighted some very important features, for example, the way how things are said. It IS important, you are absolutely right.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention 😇

complaining just because of complaining.

i think this could be a reason for me. i usually don't expect reaction or anything to change when complaining :D my complaining is usually about stuff i can change and usually it is a rant (sometimes even funny) as a vent. I find it is easier for me to do stupid things after i complain about them :D

Oh, I hear sometimes that kind of complaining. I know it doesn't require any reaction or else, as you say, but then I should close my ears 😂

I find it is easier for me to do stupid things after i complain about them :D


This is the best reasoning ever for complaining 😁

Regarding this post and your question, i can say yes!!! grumbling is very common, especially where i live. I used to have this habit myself and i was always grumbling, unfortunately!!

In my opinion, nature is the best place for human self-improvement. Because nature and concentration in a calm and silent environment can strengthen a person spiritually and remove negative behaviors from a person.

Thank you very much for asking this question, because I used to have this bad habit and I always complained about the situation and others. But I make my decision from within because solving all the problems starts from within us and we can release our souls and achieve peace.😊😊

solving all the problems starts from within us and we can release our souls and achieve peace

I don't know if we can solve all the problems, but I absolutely agree that we always have to start with ourselves 😀

I am glad you took this topic in this detailed way, your opinion is valuable! So you used to complain too... heheh, we all, but it is good to see and try not to, right?


Some people just complain, but I think it is also how and where they were brought up.
Like you say, Spain doesn’t tend to do that.

Have some beautiful days ☀️😊Happy Easter 🐣 @mipiano

Hey there little girl :))

Happy Easter to you too,
hope you had a great day :)

Indeed, it can be connected with the culture and habits where someone was brought up, you are right. And I am happy you also noticed not so much complaining when you talk to Spanish people.

Thank you so much 😊Hola @mipiano 👋🏻

I’m so behind with everything… haven’t posted in a few days, time escapes me. But we are having so much fun and a great time seeing family again. We are at our last stop now.

Yep, noticed it too.
Hope your Easter days are great too 🐥🐣🐝🌷

I am not sure have I missed some of your comments... well, this app shows just for the last 7 days
and this is a message from you from 7 days ago 😱
Time travelling, that's it... back to past :)

I am glad you had so much fun and all went good,
my Easter day was excellent, and then we went for a small road tri, well I think you already know that

Not sure either… but I like time traveling. Let’s pretend here we can do it @mipiano 😉

Thank you so much 😊
Great to hear you had an excellent Easter Day and road trip.
Have a great night!

Well, I try not to complain just because, I am very emotional so I find myself complaining a lot which might irk people but to me, I get affected a lot by the littlest things.

Also, that song, I love it, recently heard it in a series and I just bopped to it without knowing the meaning of it, now that I know, I love it more.

Well, it might also have to see with being emotional, so yes, many things affect us, right? But it is good if we try not to rant too much hehe 🤗

I am glad you like the song, I like it too, and in fact, I am going to play it once again now while responding to some comments. 😎

Yeah, it's bad if we try to rant too much 😆 and I already downloaded the song,

and I already downloaded the song

Hope you are still enjoying that song ;)

Some days passed from this comment 😅

I still am, when I download a new song, I practically only listen to it and a few others.

Oooh, love that song!
I tried to play it in the past when I wasn't ready for it..
Time for a revisit! Thank you!

I think a little complaining isn't all bad, if it helps some people to get things off they're chest?
As long as they snap out out of it again... Still trying to master that last bit.. :D

Hope, you're having a lovely break!

Oh, it would be cool to hear it from you :))
Would you sing it in French or is there an English version for it?

Hope, you're having a lovely break!

Thank you, will try to have it. Also, I will try to respond to your comments, but not a promise, I am packing and going on a small trip. Unexpected 😎

I like the French, not sure if they did it in English? They are American, aren't they?
But guess, that's their signature, French..

Anyway, an unexpected trip?
How intriguing!
Have a lovely time and a safe journey! :)

Hmm, I think the singers know different languages, it's not just French.
The band is indeed from the USA.

Cool, you will sing in French ;)

oh, the trip
I should have been packing now, but still work around 😂

Haha, go go go! Have fun! :)

🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ :))

It is the minimum degree of masochism we have which leads us to find pleasure in giving ourselves a bad life hahahaha. I always fight against that.
That pianist inspires me to be a better person 🤣 how amazing how he plays without fear of anything 😮.
I hope your break was pleasant 🤗.

Hahaha, you call in masochism 😅
also for those who listen to the rant of someone else. 😂

The pianist is just great, right? He is playing indeed soooooo freely, and it is a pleasure to even see him!

My break will last still :) it just stared a few days ago 😇

Hahaha, you call masochism 😅
Also for those who listen to someone else's diatribe.

Yes, although there are times when people are simply empathetic and listen to them beyond masochism. Come to think of it, maybe masochism doesn't apply to the case of listening to someone else's diatribe, unless you're already fed up and still keep listening hahaha.

That pianist is supeeeer cool, he really gets into character, really inspiring. 😃😇🤗

@mipiano por compartir esos videos,es muy bueno conocer grandes musicos como lo es Pink Martini.

Hey @jesusmedit

Gracias por pasar por mi publicación. Sí, este grupo musical es muy bueno y me alegro que te ha gustado :) 🎶

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It is! Enjoy it @mipiano 😊🌹

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I personally complain when I feel stressed or tired… I would also complain when I’m not I’m offended, sometimes I complain just because… might be one of the most natural things ever…

Yes, it is natural of course.
It can help sometimes, but complaining many times is maybe not so healthy, I think

That is true, it can be quite a drag I know… if I’m being honest, I admit that I complain too much sometimes. It might be a phase, but I’m sure I would like to be more resilient soon, so I will have to give it more thought in order to try to implement that. Thanks for the pointer : )

Now I would like to complain... on myself... having a huge backlog in replying to the comments 😞

But I will try to take it without much stress 😇

It's fine, you are among the top engagers here, so you can be easily forgiven for that... You're too sweet to begrudge 🙂

so you can be easily forgiven for that

thnx 😅 🥂

You’re most welcome 🤗

Very lovely to see some music classical music in the making too, I have always wondered how emotions are conveyed to the instrumentalists by the conductor… having a closer look has really helped me think it through

was this comment meant for this post or the otherone, where the classical music concert is brought? :D

Yikes!! 😢, 😆