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RE: Why go to university?

in Q Inspired-by-Music10 months ago

It's very lucky for him to have such parents. I don't recall mine ever getting remotely involved. I mentioned in passing I wanted to do music but they had no involvement whatsoever helping me which university, let alone visiting them or coming with me to exams.

I studied music too and I am here still doing music - a simple teacher of course (love it). This is what the vast majority of music degrees will amount to. Hell, even the great legends were often teachers by trade for the most part.

I've also seen that a lot of people with music degrees quite often end up becoming programmers or some kind of tech engineer, seems like the mindset translates well and is a far more lucrative and available market for jobs than 'music' in all its forms.

Tbh in my wisdom of age, I could only recommend anyone to just go and do a business degree. It's clearly the most useful one for people's future. If you love music, you can turn music into a business. The fact life is more unaffordable than ever nowadays only suggests it'll be 3-4x worse by the time a high schooler is a full-fledged adult. Business is the best preparation for that, I reckon.

That being said, if I could go back and do it all again I'd probably... still pick music? Maybe?


You have done very well if your parents had not been involved in your musical education and that whole journey but you have studied music and you are a teacher now! A good one, I know 😉

Happy to hear you would (maybe? :D) do it again if you could go back. I am sure I would, as it has been my decision since my early musical steps, but maybe I would add a different field too. Business - doesn't sound bad hahaha

Back to being involved in my son's exams. Well, I am involved also as his piano accompanist (if I think better... I should make him pay me for that service 😂) so I have to practice the piano arrangement of the orchestra's part of Bruch's Violin Concerto No. 1 and Beethoven's Romance No. 2 🎶