There are a lot of men in this world today whose announcement of their secret activities can tingle the ear that hears it. The earlier we understand that love is a good thing the better for us.
With love the hearts of two separate individuals can connect so well that when one is in trouble the other gets the sensation even when they are not close to each other at the moment. When in the language of love, one plus one is equal to one (1+1=1). This is a mathematical answer which proved to be quite difficult for me to understand until the moment I realized the aspect in which they are speaking from.
Of course when a male and female come together their hearts will unite them together to become one.
There are a lot of men today who become drunks because of how their wives treat them from home and there are also women who feel their husband is not good enough for them. This proves the fact that love can fade and yes, love can fade when there is no good foundation for that love to grow. Love can fade when there are no new efforts to sustain the already ignited love. At first when two people fall in love it will be as if they've had it all and it's time to relax and enjoy life to the fullest because there's nothing more that needs to be done whereas a lot needs to be done.
Love demands sacrifices, sometimes you may have a beautiful plan to hang out with your lovely friends but the love of your life tells you he or she needs you to stay with them because they're feeling lonely or something else. Love demands that you give up on that beautiful occasion that you are just about to head out to and attend to the one who holds a special place in your heart.
Interestingly, as you take these kinds of actions in order to be available when you're needed and spend some quality time together, it will help strengthen your bond with your partner. Your partner in turn will also understand that you are willing to sacrifice anything for their own happiness and they will feel obliged to reciprocate when the table takes a turn.
One of the reasons why it seems that relationships nowadays don't work or last long is because most couples today are not genuinely interested in each other to start with.
One may have married for money and as soon as he or she knows just how to lay their hands on that money or have a share of it they will immediately dissolve the relationship. Some marry because of sex hoping that it's the best foundation that relationships should be established on but a time is coming when weakness knocks on the door and the one who once does wonders in bed cannot meet up again and once another person flashes their ugly face from outside the relationship there is high tendency that the relationship is be dissolved or broken.
I think one of the best pieces of advice I've heard in a while is to marry your friend. A friend is one whom you personally know to a deeper level and they know you. They know the things you hate and they respect you and not bring it about on the table even when issues arise.
A friend is one who can spend some quality time with you without demanding for sex or anything near intimacy if it is against your wish. A friend is one who knows your weak points, who can play with you and connect with you on different levels and yet not try to blackmail you. A friend is not one that bullies but one woman can tell you what looks good on you and what will be helpful to help you grow. I think the moment when we learn to start accepting our friends more as our potential life partners the better the results we get from relationships. There are many in the world today who can be friends with some for many years but will end up marrying someone whom they just met in a club in less than three months.
Even when our friends asks for our hand in marriage sometimes we laugh at them and make them feel ashamed like as though they are not up age to make such a request but the truth remained the some of us are the ones who dig our own graves and make our pillows to cry because the state of our minds and the level of our understanding.
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