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RE: Silence

in Q Inspired-by-Music3 years ago

wow.. I couldn't help but visit your blog
what an amazing post here
from indication you're a music teacher, well am not surprised because you just blessed me musically now how?
there could be no silence without noise and silence is really very crucial and integral part of music. this point is just clear, if the place isn't quiet there can only be noise and not music.


wow.. I couldn't help but visit your blog

Hehehe, thank you for this visit and for reading this post ;)
Yes, you are right, silence is an integral part of music, I am glad you agree too!

i really have a lot to learn from you then.
am just a beginner in music and would love to know more about music
please you can help put me through, my lapses, am ever ready to amend

Yes, sure, I am around sometimes posting about music, sometimes playing, and of course, hopefully, will listen to your next entries too in hive open mic. If you say you are a beginner, well, you are a very good learner then! You indeed play so nicely 👌

oh thank you so much my teacher 🙏🙏
appreciate you so much for your time thus far🙏🙏