Hey! hi, by the way. Did you see and read my previous post? Yeah, the latest. ¿Nope? Oh! then better click here before going ahead to consume this one today. And once you consume that one, yes the previous one, then come back here and, first of all, consume the INTRO video above in its entirety to get yourself well in sync with the mental state you are gonna need to continue consuming what follows next, you know?
Because to fully enjoy today's musical experience inside a sensory isolation tank, you first have to get in tune with what's happening today in our Hive blockchain. Yeah, because if you woke up today with intentions to learn something new and you came here wanting to read something worthwhile. Then you definitely will have to «click» on these two previous links in color letters, plus this one here as well.
But hey, without forgetting to read or refusing to read each and every comment on those articles that the links will take you to, ok? Because if you don't, if you don't read each and every comment. Then I'm afraid that the musical treatment whilst enclosed into the sensory isolation tank will not gonna have the expected effect. Yeah, the relaxing effect of realizing that more and more people lately are becoming more aware of what they were previously unaware of or seemed to be unaware of.
But yeah, don't worry, I've got you covered. I know very well that none of you have a sensory isolation tank in your basement like me. And probably not one handy or one that is close at or near your home either. And this is precisely where I come to the rescue with just a handful of tunes for this Tuesday FTT which immediately will put the alpha waves of your brains in order. Fitting together each piece of the puzzle from what you have read in the links above and unequivocally clarifying the place you occupy in this universe. Yeah, an unsuspected "universe" of weird rules & nomics that too often happen in these earthly, greedy and materialistic spaces and cosmology.
So without anything else to add and hoping that you have already «clicked» where you should «click» and have consumed everything you need to consume before moving forward. You can now start undressing that from here on we are going straight to the sensory isolation tank to relax, float freely and wander light through the entire galaxy.
¡Enjoy the trip!

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