TTS: "A damage beyond repair"

I'm sorry folks. It's a shame and I'm very sorry but someone has to say it. Honestly, lately it has become quite an ordeal to be and remain in Hive scrolling down indefinitely thru its stellar pages trying to find something interesting and inspiring enough as to invite you to «click» and worth consuming. ¡Sheesh, what an useless and pointless effort!

And this, unfortunately, has been happening progressively in this way for quite some time now. To the point of leading one to think about not even participating by creating and publishing one's own content on the platform anymore. ¿For what? ¿For whom? ¿Huh?

Since today the only "content" you can find in Hive is pure nonsense that generally only responds to the participation in initiatives and contests with stupid, childish and inconsequential subjects that I doubt very much could attract anyone who is moderately intelligent and curious as to tempt them to «click» on it and consume it.

And as result, nowadays the only thing you can find on Hive is just that bland, insipid and greedy content from the entries of the contestants and later on only the "reports" of those who created such childish and inconsequential contests announcing who were the biggest idiots who won some disenchanting prize in such pointless initiatives.

¿Where the hell is or has gone the original content of true value and quality? That one originally inspired, forged and conceived within the very brains of its own authors?

But yeah, I suspect that I know from where and when this decline and lack of grey matter on the platform originated. And in my opinion, this started exactly when the communities were created.

Which only served to further fragment and atomize the already small population on the platform as a whole, leading to the people to giving up on creating and publishing their true original contentchieftains with airs of grandeur on many of these brandnew communities with the illusion to gain some more visibility, better attention and barely four cents more, if anything. using only the #tags and now opting for submitting themselves to the many times absurd rules and requirements established by these new

Yeh, yeh, having to submit themselves now to the biased, self-interested and greedy criteria of these new supposedly infallible, opulent, generous, solidary and empathetic "manual content curators" in these brandnew communities. Encouraging everyone now to post only useless trash that no one is interested in consuming, but only further enrich the lazy whales who delegate their HP supporting these new communities with its senseless initiatives and inane contests.

Of course I have to blame these lazy whales for all the corruption and decline in content quality we've seen lately on Hive. Who else would you blame? ¿To them? ¿To greed? Or to the widespread stupidity of the "participants" and everyone involved in the decadence we're now witnessing? Yeah, let me know your opinion in the comments section.

Meanwhile, thank goodness that I still count with my my sensory isolation tank in the basement of my cave and so I can relax and get away from all this source of bad mood. So, and as I've said somewhere before, if you don't have one of these healing tanks handy... then just «click» on the three videos below and surely you will feel like new again.

¡Enjoy the trip!


Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf



I would have thought that buying some 'quality' friends would have been the winning play, but nope.

¿Buying some 'quality' friends?

¿Where? ¿How? ¿With what capital?

If all those who still seem to be active around here are just a bunch of penniless sheep and shameless sycophants following stupid instructions with the hopes to earn barely few cents posting the kind of trash which they have been commissioned to publish.

Do you really still have any hope that this will be corrected in such a simple way?

Nope, not much hope until defi takes us away, imo.

Exactly! And let's just wait that DeFi and more exchanges incorporate & include Hive & HBD in their transactions and token trading pairs before these lazy "shepherds" and their docile, obedient and brainless sheep herd end up finally destroying our crypto savings by generating so much more useless crap.

Well, I never paid attention to "communities," and considering My work for Humanity, perhaps a bit egotistically, think My content here is "intellectual..." Granted I only post a couple times a week of so, but still, I would not want Others to think it boring or banal... LOL!

The whole planet is degrading - with purpose by the moneyed psychopaths.

We Had Better Solve for the Psychopaths in Control NOW! (article):