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RE: My imperfections are under my mask.

in Q Inspired-by-Music3 months ago

For me, the sense of facing our imperfect self is similar to facing the abyss. Sometimes, I wish I could just fall into it and forget everything, even if it's just for a time. But my inner self always tells me this is part of the journey of self transformation, better to face it, work on it and let it work on me, and then keep moving forward. I'm a bit familiar with some of this singer's song :)


Yeah you're right, I can't count how many times I have lost myself but something keep pushing out of my dark thoughts, and I just have it in the back of my mind that's it's just a phase in my life journey though this disquieting universe. Thanks for stopping by glad you can relate even just a little bit. I don't know if I should say this but I'm glad I don't feel like it's only me who feels that way sometimes. Beautiful day ahead.

It's definitely not just you. Probably there are a handful of us with such kind of feelings of remoteness, lack of relatable-ness in a disquieting universe. The best we can do is to keep walking, looking forward to what's ahead. Sometimes, this phase seem to last for an eternity.

You're most welcome, glad I did give your post a read :)