When I saw that name, it rang a bell ....the wrong bell I thought it would be something similar to the Theremin, boy was I wrong....it was just a misshaped rubber duck😁
But it was very fun to watch although I still am absolutely no fan of any Spansih tv show, they are just sooo bad even if the steal the format.
But lovely post, and lesson learned a rubber duck can be a cool musical instrument!
The theremin is cool, my nice has got one. Hahaha, a misshaped rubber duck haha, actually an eight-note, but with that emoji head haha, but I like your definition more 😁
Theremins are spooky so I love those... but it was definitely fun to watch that video I wonder what happens if you take that challenged rubber duck in the bath🤔
Probably it dies... strange behaviour for a duck 😂