Karma is a....?

in Q Inspired-by-Music2 months ago


At least that is what they refer to the term as. However, there is more to karma than meets the eye and the sooner one understands the term “karma”,the more they understand why certain things occur in their lives. And subsequently, they can harness the power of karma for a smoother life. And yes, Karma is a real thing.


Now, what is karma?

In three words; Cause and Effect. The saying “you can only reap what you sow” stems from the understanding of what karma really is. A new year's resolution for many people this year has been to defy the laws of karma. This is seen in posts where people say things like “I will eat my cake and still have it.” or “I will take what belongs to Caesar”. These things sound hilarious on the surface but actualization of such activities simply cannot happen.

Now, a few people may argue that some people can do whatever they like with no repercussions or in other words, eat their cake and still have it but that is the thing with karma, it can either take effect immediately or over an outstretched period of time. Which leads me to the very first myth I would like to debunk about karma;

Karma is a Punishment

Due to popular opinion, karma is always a bad thing but this isn't true.

Karma isn’t a vengeful force that seeks to punish individuals, rather, it is a natural principle that reflects the consequences of our choices and actions. There is good karma and bad karma but the chances are, whenever we experience good karma, we tag it as fool’s luck and we do not realize that our previous good deeds all built up to that moment. Bad karma, on the flip side, is always very bold and evident. This is one of the reasons why bad things happen to good people and an answer to one of the popular questions humans ask–why me?

Like they say, every experience has a lesson or two to teach and as such, the best way to approach bad karma is by looking for the devil in the details. Ask yourself questions like “what is this experience trying to teach me?”. Also, be grateful for the chance to burn off some bad karma.

Karma is Instant.

Not necessarily.

Karma doesn't always work instantly. It can manifest immediately or even take years or lifetimes to come to fruition. To reiterate, karma can be a reward for a good deed or a repercussion for a bad one, as such, the activities we carry out on a daily basis will all come back to us in the end. So, it is really up to you to create your future and this is an explanation many speakers fail to give when talking about our future or destiny. An example of good karma can be being recognised for the services one rendered months or years ago. Forces of nature just have a way of putting things in place. This is one reason why rendering service is one of my favourite things to do.

Karma is Unchangeable.

Karma isn't set in stone. Through personal growth, self-reflection and conscious choices, we can influence our karma and consequently create a more positive future. When we come to terms with the fact that we are indeed the creators of our own world, we become more conscious about the decisions we make, the words we voice out and even our thoughts.

Karma isn’t only based on our intentions because karma can consider the consequences of our actions irrespective of our intentions; whether or not you meant only good. However, the concept of karma doesn't necessarily mean you are stuck with the consequences of your past actions because we are offered opportunities for growth and when we deal with our past actions steadfastly, we are in a way working off some negative karma. If you do not deal with it in this lifetime, you will in another.


So many musicians have spoken of karma with or without a constant grasp of the idea of karma. However, in just a few words, Radiohead explained the concept of karma with an additional video explanation. The concept of karma seemed like a very unrealistic one until I became properly informed.

Do you think you've had any encounters with karma?

Thumbnail is mine.



Is good to always be well informed on the important aspects of life. Im glad you discovered this yourself and had shared it. One of Jesus word in the Bible is "My people perish because of lack of knowledge".

But then again, ignorance is never an excuse.


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