lukmarcus cross-posted this post in Hive Projects 4 years ago

Native Ads (Alpha) is Live

in HiveDevs4 years ago


It's live! Native Ads (alpha) has been running for 4 days now. I've just finished working on the documentation so it's up-to-date and covers all the features that are currently live.

Source Code: :

If you'd like to integrate this in your front-end, the docs should cover most of the basics. You can also get in touch with me on Discord: imwatsi#8991

As it is still in Alpha, we may encounter bugs, so don't hesitate to contact me with bug reports, as well as feedback and suggestions.

I hope to prove core stability with usage of the Alpha version, before moving on to build more advanced features that I have planned.

I'll make follow-up posts with updates and new features.