Internal and external tools to achieve sustainable development

in DClub3 years ago

Promote strategies that promote action or concretely ideas to project in the current circumstances the possibility for organizations to apply the so-called "GREEN Economy" in the business world, establishing internal and external tools to achieve sustainable development.

Source ( nature )

For United Nations Development Program Administrator Achim Steiner, the concept of "GREEN Economy" highlights smart policies and mechanisms that increase the global economy, fight poverty and generate jobs without pushing the planetary human footprint beyond its limits.

Achim Steiner theoretical appreciations specify sustainability, as a process rather than a product, implies a new ethic or philosophy of attitude towards the future, which means the incorporation of new values and principles in the behavioral, production and consumption model of societies.

Therefore, the "GREEN Economy" demands a transformational leadership, as a transforming axis of the individual towards objectives for social and collective well-being as well as the influence for the development and practice of business principles and cultures that are directed towards a vision of sustainable productivity, with humanistic, ethical and fair practices, since its purpose is to satisfy the needs, valuing and respecting the environmental resources available for current and future generations.

Source (Pixabay)

The "GREEN Economy" has been interpreted as the sustainable development that pursues the integration of the means of production from the resources and existing needs of the local population, making use of new technological forms, complementary to the appropriate ancestral techniques as the maximum cultural and historical expression of the community or social group in pursuit of sustained food self-sufficiency.

Transformational leadership and contextual performance
are the main factors that most influence organizational culture.

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La economía verde es y debería ser la economía del futuro , sin embargo se contrapone al modelo económico devorados del medio ambiente existente, Los medios de producción autosustentable tratan mejor al los suelos y tierra.