The dignity of human life is not determined by his birth but by his actions. So lower caste people can be entitled to honor, dignity and glory by deeds. People in the world are divided into different races and tribes, religions, castes and tribes. Due to the principle of man-made and divisive, one class of people is considered to be of higher class or higher caste, And other classes of people are considered as lower caste people.
The idea is that the so-called upper caste people are born with dignity and respect. And low-income people have no respect and dignity, but this idea is completely wrong. Because man's value is determined not by his actions but by his birth.
There are many people in the world who have been born into the so-called lower lineage but have become memorable in the world. Because they are always ready to benefit themselves and the world by their actions. They are perfectly admired in the world for their deeds and people give them dignity.
The disrespect of lineage glory is the best example of Jesus Christ giving to their deeds. There are many such examples in the history of the world.
Maradona, the best footballer of the century, was the son of an ordinary day laborer. But now you see that there is no country in the world that has not heard Maradona's name because of his actions. Or don't know Maradona.
He was born in an obscure slum in Buenos Aires.
The father of the philosopher Flinthaus was a gardener.
The Muslim general who conquered Mecca was the son of a slave.
But in the case of the aforesaid sages, the lack of heredity did not hinder the achievement of the honor of showing merit. On the other hand, many people born in high families or rich families have been lost in the womb of time. Because the nobility was born, they could not do anything for themselves and the nation.
It is necessary to devote oneself to the pursuit of human deeds in the world, because in the world, it is not the people of lineage who are honored, but the people of meritorious deeds.
Basically no matter what tribe you are born into, you have to do something in the world that people remember you for ages. If you can't do that then it will be easy and manage life nicely so that there are no mistakes in life.
I have seen everything I have written here. If there is any mistake, you must look at it with forgiveness. Thank you. All will be well. Assalamu Alaikum.
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