imagine a #meshtastic #lora radio device with cheap #oled display like ...

in DBuzzlast year

... #ledgernano but with a nano #rasberrypi + hive software to read & post blogs AND comments, make limit orders & see prices/orderbooks for hbd + all hive engine, but main goal is blogging with posting key

Posted via D.Buzz


oh and it would work off a mesh network we will all use after a big disaster, great to have these networks out there just in case

Posted via D.Buzz

Yes please, but can't get speed and volume we need from Lora, can we?

Of course you can. You just need a little more powerful antennae and there's better protocols for extra data. Lora can for sure send data tho slowly. It's like using 56k but slower but very possible. Just the fact I cam send text messages is enoigh to send like a signed TX hash

Posted via D.Buzz

I've looked at Reticulum too. Seems to be quite good. Any thoughts on using Reticulum?

and isn't it better to sign in with hivesigner or keychain than exposing posting key? i mean, i don't want Elon hacking my key and posting about shitcoins on my account! :-)

But ya we may need the more powerful tha. Lora like TAK or whatever people are building with those solar towers today on

Theyre for sure sending enough data I've seen it on youtube with more powerful antennae

If 1guy has starlink & $100 super Lora tower he can host secure hive

Posted via D.Buzz

Posted via D.Buzz dude I should just use some dummy guest test hive wallet accounts with just 1 hive each and start using them to see if anyone could really even hack someone using Lora to send a plane text hive posting or active key to a bot in a Lora raspberry pi that forwards hive txs.