hah not cool enough, i got onky 70 cents thats pathetic while my old steemit posts would make me 1500 once and usually over 20 bucks and fir just text
i actually made something here and i get nothing
meanewhile someone makes overpriced hive stickers on etsy and geta on front page and paid more than me when i also made way better hive hologram stickers
and im giving them out free as actual hive nfts
and yet people would rather pay for stupie stickers that DONT come with 1 hive nft? wtf?
im sick of people who do less work getting paid more when my shits way better
why should i even bother lol
edit : whatever im happy everyones making uovotes
sorry to sound like im complaining but thatsnhow i really did feel
im over it now but its a lil frustrating when im trying to give out actual gifts and just want uovotes ro help pay when uovotes go out to peopel who arent giving out anything and are in fact Selling stuff which is fine but i should get more when im trying to actualy give free gifts
whatever maybe my hexagon shaped ones will do better
Because it's an awesome idea. Don't let a lack of upvotes limit your creativity. If the right eyes see this, I think it will explode. Physical HIVE? In hexagon packaging? So cool. Once it's something in hand, I think it will click in the minds of people just how amazing an idea this is. Whatever you're willing to send physically, I'll review and promote and get the word out. I'd even put it on ctpx.io and listnerds, threads, alive tribe - I'd blast it everywhere.