This looks like a cool pre-alpha stage dev-log... Nice!
Welcome to D.Buzz I hope it proves beneficial to your project in some way, if you have any question make a buzz about it, as more than a few buzzers will gladly answer.
Thanks for the welcome! seems pretty cool. The one thing that is still a bit confusing is the posting on various platforms. Never sure when posts on show up on and the same with 3Speak and vise versa. All hive platforms seem interconnected which is cool. But each also seems to lay things out differently so things posted on one might look different on another.
Just have to experiment to figure it out though! 😃
Mostly just worried about potentially being seen as double posting. E.G. This 3Speak video is now on PeakD twice. But only in All Posts, not the actual blog.
In #DBuzz case however, you'll need to put the community tag and I don't think you can do that via #3speak. (Never tried.) Even if it did some videos need to put in their communities.
So you'll have to repost it. (It will be a double post, so I suggest creating a sub-account.)
Thanks for the welcome! seems pretty cool. The one thing that is still a bit confusing is the posting on various platforms. Never sure when posts on show up on and the same with 3Speak and vise versa. All hive platforms seem interconnected which is cool. But each also seems to lay things out differently so things posted on one might look different on another.
Just have to experiment to figure it out though! 😃
Yes, it's one blockchain, so posting in one place will make it appear in others. It's just that some interfaces only show some tags.
Posted via D.BuzzIf you posted on #DBuzz it will appear in #PeakD, but if you posted on them it may not appear here. Want to know the rules for this?
Will take any info you're willing to give. 😄
Mostly just worried about potentially being seen as double posting. E.G. This 3Speak video is now on PeakD twice. But only in All Posts, not the actual blog.
Posted via D.Buzz
For it to appear on Dbuzz you need to:
If you want the post to appear on DBuzz it's better to post it via Dbuzz.
Posted via D.Buzz
In #DBuzz case however, you'll need to put the community tag and I don't think you can do that via #3speak. (Never tried.) Even if it did some videos need to put in their communities.
So you'll have to repost it. (It will be a double post, so I suggest creating a sub-account.)
Posted via D.Buzz
All great info! Thank you very much. Will keep this in mind for the next video and try to minimize posting but maximize visibility.
Posted via D.Buzz
If you posted something via one interface, it will be seen in others so you don't have to post it twice. Posting once via #3Speak is enough.
Posted via D.BuzzBut it won't appear in special interfaces. You'll have to use the interface/tribe tag to appear there, like #leofinance or #stemgeeks