
Window means just looking through the window hehe. We go to the shops, take pictures and then additionally decide what to buy.
It gives more order to usually irrational decision.

Posted via D.Buzz

Ah, that's a good way to make decision.

Reminded me of a joke story I heard in early 2010s:

A girl goes to a #jewelry shop, asks the shopkeeper if it's okay to try. He reluctantly agrees. She tries it on, takes a selfie then returns it and goes out.

So #vain but funny~

Posted via D.Buzz

By the way, I saw the term Window Shopping being used for anything from looking through a window to trying clothes on in the test area without buying them.

Posted via D.Buzz

Yes, I am aware of it, but we are lit taking photos without stopping to waste time trying it, that's how we can visit more places and by the time we decide to try it, then we will 99% buy it hehe

Posted via D.Buzz

I got the difference now!


Posted via D.Buzz