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RE: # Hearing Thoughts Never knew that some people can't formulate words in their bra ...

in DBuzz2 years ago

Maybe, but I don't know... It feels like a separate quality from Introversion-extroversion. My sister is an extrovert and she can hear her inner voices.

Have a !PIZZA for commenting.

Posted via D.Buzz


Their Premium materials teach that introverts tend to think in their minds before they speak.

While Extroverts think by speaking, but it’s a spectrum, not an absolute.

If someone cannot think in their own minds at all without speaking, they may be a borderline absolute.

Posted via D.Buzz

Hmmmm... Maybe you're right then, but I never understood the spectrum to mean this. (I didn't encounter any extreme case before so maybe that's why.)

I love learning about personality types. Though sites like these are written in the same manner as astrology predictions.

Posted via D.Buzz