How did you manage without money? I'm glad you had friends to offer some help? I hope the re-building stage won't be as hard in the next month for you all in the Philippines...
Posted via D.Buzz
How did you manage without money? I'm glad you had friends to offer some help? I hope the re-building stage won't be as hard in the next month for you all in the Philippines...
Posted via D.Buzz
Rebuilding is kind of hard these days as it keeps on raining all day since Christmas. Wishing for a little bit of sun as we still don't have electricity.
Posted via D.Buzz
I had like 2000 pesos (40USD) in my walllet, so what I did was to buy gasoline, water, and my toddler's milk first. Good thing, I stocked food for a week. We had canned goods and instant noodles almost everyday for like 10 days.
Posted via D.Buzz
Good Luck, and stay strong!
Posted via D.Buzz