I'm going to start looking for a second job. I know it will be difficult for me, ...

in DBuzz10 months ago

... but I need money if I want to get married in the next few years

Any hints?

Posted via D.Buzz#proofofbrain #cent


What are you skilled at?

Posted via D.Buzz

Programming, cooking, driving, fix home things (like showers, tables and most of eletric instalations and wood things), sell things, etc

Posted via D.Buzz

Good morning. You're very skilled. It shouldn't be hard to get employment, no?

 10 months ago  

I recommend the software developing!

Posted via D.Buzz

Hmmm it's a good idea

Any platform to offer my services?

 10 months ago  

Do you know any programming language?

Posted via D.Buzz

JavaScript (HTML + CSS + JS), TypeScript, PHP, Lua and a little bit of Python, Ruby and Java, and some frameworks like CakePHP, React Native and Bootstrap

Currently working with CakePHP and WordPress

 10 months ago  

Hmm, that's great. I recommend participating in certain projects at Hive. You can connect them via Discord 😀

Posted via D.Buzz

Which country do you live in? Is it very expensive to get married there? Very expensive in here. 😀

Posted via D.Buzz

Brazil, it's a little bit expensive, but I'm trying some different things 4 gain more money hahahaha

Like what?

Posted via D.Buzz

Gardening, chicken, stock market, part-time jobs, etc