
I don’t know how I could be of help but I’m willing to volunteer even if it’s for feedback or anything I can handle. But that’s if this is something you’re still pursuing. I wish you the best of luck, saving the world sounds like a good thing to do so give it all your best and I’m sure generations to come will thank you even if they don’t know you.

I'll get back to you in due course. Thank you


Alright then

You’re welcome.

Not sure if I could be of any use, but if I can, I would happily join...

Talk later re. this. Thanks

Looking forward!


Would you be interested in making a manga comic?

Posted via D.Buzz

Not nowadays, but I'm interested in knowing more about this project!

Posted via D.Buzz

Well it's idea stage at moment, making a comic-strip and/or movie series about some peeps going off-grid, de-banking & using crypto etc. and they come across and start using a Community platform which begins to unite people all over the world. i think i'll call it Unstopable Antidote.


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