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RE: What are you working on? Anything cool in the pipelines? Please shar ...

in DBuzz4 years ago

I would like to tell you that I have a project in the oven, but it would not be the truth.

But what is true is that I am working on new ideas for my # 3speak content which has me excited, I use the audio-visual medium to transmit a message and make my thoughts free.

I think that when I get to a point where I have the possibility to help the Community in an intellectual and economic way, it would be great to have a podcast where the community can come together and exchange ideas, create work plans focused on those content creators who upload content to @Threespeak I think we can go far and change that idea that YouTube is the only means to create successful channels, I know that # 3speak has great potential, especially for its freedom and that there is no CENSORSHIP, that motivates me to continue working and eventually have tools to bring in high-quality content and support other content creators.

I know the road is long but the motivation and passion are great.

Hahaha I don't have a project but I do want to share my thoughts.

A hug from a distance.