Scientists would do almost anything for science -- like making a live cat telephone. Two mad scientist, ahem, a professor and his assistant from Princeton University, Ernest Glen Wever and Charles William Bray, took an unconscious cat and transform it into a working telephone.
Posted via D.Buzz
The reason Professor Ernest Glen Wever and Charles William Bray did those thing to the cat was to test how sound is perceived by the auditory nerve. They opened the cat's skull and attached a telephone wire to the nerve. Crazy!
Posted via D.Buzz
Was that the origin of the sentence "curiosity kills the cat"? 🤔😅
Lmao! That saying does applies to it, doesn't it? It's not the origin though.
I don't think it's the origin but it certainly applies to it in more ways than one!
Thanks for the feedback. 🙂
I noticed that you had been inactive for about 6 months. 🕵️♂️ What cool thing made you come back? 😁