I am about to send shockwaves across the #Hive and #3Speak atmosphere. ...

in DBuzz4 years ago

Posted via D.BuzzI am about to send shockwaves across the #Hive and #3Speak atmosphere. The video that I am posting in a few minutes (at 0:00 UTC) is going to make you realize I am no joke.


Which video was it?

Posted via D.Buzz

“Prank Calling Adult Stores in Los Angeles”


A lot of the old Simpsons was so good

That's the truth. Be sure to check out my new video dropping in mere minutes. I promise it will make you laugh at least once.

The prank call were great.

Hell yea! I love doing this kind of comedy. Feel free to leave me some tips on the video.

Amenda Hugnkiss? I need A NEED MAN TO HUG AND KISS.
I wonder if that joke still make it into the show. 😅

Oh wow, never heard that one before in my life untitled.gif