believe it or it or not....the truth is DEC is over $0.009 ...
now is the limit!
Posted via D.Buzz
#splinterlands #spt #dbuzz #dbuzz30 #proofofbrain #cent #neoxian #ctp #creativecoin #aeneas #archon #hustler
believe it or it or not....the truth is DEC is over $0.009 ...
#splinterlands #spt #dbuzz #dbuzz30 #proofofbrain #cent #neoxian #ctp #creativecoin #aeneas #archon #hustler
SPS was around 30 cents a few days ago. Now it's 60 cents. I was very surprised to see it. 😮
we were expecting this boom
I don't know what to do with the DECs and SPSs I've staked. I don't know when to sell either. 😀
I am tempted to sell my earned DEC and SPS but still its very early to dedide. DEC and SPS will have a long way to go and this is just the starting of everything in Splinterlands.
I am tempted to sell my earned DEC and SPS but still its very early to dedide. DEC and SPS will have a long way to go and this is just the starting of everything in Splinterlands.